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16th June 2018, 15:46
I always think it's better to give the clues!

13 A. Remote computer peripheral failing one run (5)

A six-letter word for a very common computer peripheral, yours is probably in use now, with one letter (failing one run = drop a letter,...).
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16th June 2018, 15:49
sunray .. i googled the 2 words that were missed out in the grid entry for 7a (gave you that earlier) and the other one. (do you have the other one)
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16th June 2018, 15:54
Sunray, 11 A isn't 13 letters long.

Xwordfan, I think Sunray thought he had the word - but I feel he's lead himself astray!
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16th June 2018, 16:16
Solved all of the normal clues, solved the two unusual ones & I have the 2-word phrase - but I'm scratching my head as to how to apply the technique it describes to the unclueds. Has anyone cracked the last stage?
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16th June 2018, 16:20
Begemot, it's not as tricky as it first seems. You're turning the unclued entries into what they would be in the 2 word-phrase, but without the apparently normal/standard ending. Wiki helped me!
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16th June 2018, 16:23
Begemot, I should have said 'and with the normal/standard ending, they're all linked to the title'.
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16th June 2018, 16:26
Thanks malone. I had outer for 13a. Without parsing.

I have 11a: belabours as Tans with R and G.
11a. Moving to another place belabours Government involving Republican (6).

10. Ecological communities succeeded in this place but not at first (4)
S+ (H) ere?

Still looking for second word.

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16th June 2018, 16:30
Your 10 is correct, sunray.

11 A is 11 letters before you take out the missing component. I didn't know the answer could mean 'moving to another place', but Chambers confirmed it. Chambers would also give you the second component if you look at the entries for the first.
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16th June 2018, 16:40
Thanks Malone. See it now - full grid. I'm not sure I found the endgame that satisfying - once I'd seen the light with your help, the rest of the grid was a CTRL+F on a Wikipedia page. How was it for you?
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16th June 2018, 16:42
Begemot, glad I could help. I enjoyed the endgame - maybe because I made myself work out the unclued entries. I stayed away from Wiki!
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