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18th June 2018, 23:07
meursault - we have disagreed in the past, so I won't say anymore than to point out that the comment from emcee which gained so much disapproval on AB was then removed, and is not the one you quote.
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19th June 2018, 07:29
Hi Gem94, my comment was less to express an opinion, more to say what had happened on AB (and to express some sympathy with Emcee). I didn't realise that Emcee had also had a comment removed. They really are impossible. And they have such a high opinion of themselves. Ruthrobin refers to 'polished' puzzles. I don't think I've ever seen one of her puzzles 'polished', she seems to go for pulp volume rather than polish.
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19th June 2018, 10:18
Emcees comment that was removed was needlessly offensive, and surprisingly out of character. If you didn't see it, you are not really in a position to comment. You will also notice that several posters have taken issue with Ruthrobin, though in a civilised fashion. Neither you nor I know who reported Emcee's post, or on what grounds it was removed - presumably by the AB administration or Emcee himself. As for "obsessed", there is only one contributor to this series of threads who takes every opportunity to let everyone know how up themselves contributors to the AB threads are. And yes, I am an occasional visitor to both sites.
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19th June 2018, 10:50
There you go again. Trying to tell other people that they are not in a position to comment. In effect, trying to gag other people's speech. There's no harm in letting people know what is going on. If AB doesn't want its proceedings to be reported, perhaps they might think about behaving with a little more decorum...
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19th June 2018, 11:39
Oh Mr M, do you ever read what you write? How can you comment on a post you haven't read or its aftermath? No one is gagging you, but merely pointing out that, like so many commenters on the internet, you have no idea what you are commenting on, driven mainly by a huge chip on your shoulder because, a few years back, you were mildly rebuked in an AB thread.
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19th June 2018, 16:19
And thus you are guilty of hypocrisy, since you clearly have no idea of the actual events of 2011.

Now, and I'm by no means the only one to hold this opinion : AB wouldn't make so many enemies if they didn't behave so rudely and arrogantly. How many comments do you see deleted on this forum ? Doesn't it strike you as strange that this forum manages perfectly well to avoid such measures, with just two good administrators, yet AB deletes comments quite frequently ?

Chip on my shoulder ? My dear chap, in order to have a chip on a shoulder, a person must feel inferior. I am certainly not inferior to AB. I behave better than them. But of course, until and unless they remedy their rudeness to me, I will continue to dog them. #Chineseproverb alert : "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." I look forward to many years on the river bank yet, and seeing many more corpses float on by...
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19th June 2018, 18:05
Oh I remember 2011 full well. And I have chuckled ever since at your posts here, which are seldom less than arrogant - when not berating AB, when they become tedious. Still, it takes all sorts, which is why this board and AB are complementary. Long may they both thrive.
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19th June 2018, 20:04
And I remember you also. Arrogant is you, not me. Rude is you also. And do you remember everyone bending over backwards for a fascist apologist ? Defending racist football behaviour ? My argument with him (he eventually floated by in the river), was what caused Ruthrobin, in a personal e-mail, to accuse me of obsession. I said, "wait a minute, you're the one sharpening your pencils at 3:30pm every week, coffee on at 3:45pm...and you call me obsessional ?"
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19th June 2018, 20:25
One more thing I should correct, probably I won't bother with the conversation with you anymore after that. This site and AB aren't complementary. This site is invaluable to solvers who don't have much Listener experience. AB is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, unless that is that you want to read the opinions of a lot of people like yourself who are "totally up themselves". Have a happy evening. And by the way, I was chuckling at the mayhem on AB for most of today...
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