And thus you are guilty of hypocrisy, since you clearly have no idea of the actual events of 2011.
Now, and I'm by no means the only one to hold this opinion : AB wouldn't make so many enemies if they didn't behave so rudely and arrogantly. How many comments do you see deleted on this forum ? Doesn't it strike you as strange that this forum manages perfectly well to avoid such measures, with just two good administrators, yet AB deletes comments quite frequently ?
Chip on my shoulder ? My dear chap, in order to have a chip on a shoulder, a person must feel inferior. I am certainly not inferior to AB. I behave better than them. But of course, until and unless they remedy their rudeness to me, I will continue to dog them. #Chineseproverb alert : "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." I look forward to many years on the river bank yet, and seeing many more corpses float on by...