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16th June 2018, 12:20
Hi Sunray - think Maori war-clubs. In both BRB and Bradford, has alternate spellings.
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16th June 2018, 13:10
All done apart from the final letter of 40 ac which I just can't seem to work out. A nudge would be appreciated, thanks.
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16th June 2018, 13:31
Hi Pat - misprint is in last word, for striking head think battering ...
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16th June 2018, 13:38
Of course! Thanks s_pugh and good to see you back.
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16th June 2018, 13:49
Thanks s_pugh
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16th June 2018, 17:23
I've finished but I have to say the words formed from the misprints (not all of which I got) were no help at all, at least to me. I must be missing something, not that it matters much. Meat, anyone?
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16th June 2018, 17:26
I'm new to this, so I hope I'm not getting the protocol wrong. I've solved all bar one of the clues, and worked out all the things Samuel wants. But 21 has me stumped. I can't see a word in Chambers that fits the crossing letters. I assume it's an anagram of MAID IN A, and it's a herbalist's thing. Are proper names (if that's what it us) allowed? Hope I'm nit being too rude in asking.
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16th June 2018, 17:31
Check the preamble. That answer is not in Chambers. You are on the right track but not quite. You should be able to check ODE online.
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16th June 2018, 17:31
Hi, Jockie.

It does say that 21a is not in Chambers. It is in the online Collins dictionary though. Anagram of MAID + AN + A (advanced).
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16th June 2018, 18:13
Hi Orson - I don't know if you noticed but I posted in response to the extra words earlier (09.17). They basically can be prefixed (in 4 cases) or suffixed (in 1 case) with the same word - all are listed or referenced in Chambers. The word has a thematic link to the whole thing. As you say not that it really matters, it's just intended as an additional embellishment I guess.

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