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16th June 2018, 08:29
We were due an easier one after the last couple of weeks. All done except I can’t sort out the extra words in the down clues. Does not affect the grid fill but irritating. Do I need to do some more research on the relevant document?
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16th June 2018, 08:57
Just spotted the link with the words. All done now.
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16th June 2018, 09:03
I too have a full grid, the phrase and the name. I haven't a clue what the extra letters are supposed to represent, but I do not see how it matters.
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16th June 2018, 09:17
Hi Gitto - all 5 terms from the extra letters (one is made up of 2 words) can be either preceded or followed by another thematic word pertinent to the ten-letter phrase, who in turn were the issue dealt with by the thematic name - if that makes sense! Trying not to give a spoiler as many people don't start on this until they have the paper version from the Saturday Times.
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16th June 2018, 09:39
Hi, thanks for clearing that up. The top and bottom right hand corners had me puzzled for quite a while, but eventually all came clear. Missing that marketplaces was pluralised sent me down a rabbit hole for ages, but the light eventually came into view (pun intended).
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16th June 2018, 11:40
Need help with 29a
More than one counted lines in clubs (7)
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16th June 2018, 11:45
Forgot to say a misprint may be involved in 29a
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16th June 2018, 11:45
Hi, Sunday,

The last letter of “counted” must be corrected. The clubs are Maori.

Good to have a straightforward puzzle after the last two demanding ones.
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16th June 2018, 11:47
Hi, sunray,

The wretched autocorrect has struck again! Sorry for the name change.
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16th June 2018, 12:14
Thanks wintonian.
I now have a word for counters.
I do not see Maori connection.
The clubs appear as ME?ES around lines.
Have not found that synonym for clubs.
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