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27th May 2018, 10:16
4th thematic is r??gd??e it doesn’t go with 1a.

Nick goes with colin
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27th May 2018, 10:20

Much harder if you'd never come across the 7th in this context.

4th thematic -goes with 4D. Its other meaning is another diminutive of the same name.

5th thematic is the 10 letter word = 1 ac
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27th May 2018, 10:23
4D - extra word 'Nick' both diminuitives of 'Nicholas'
4th thematic 3 letter Northern England word for meadow + abbrev for daughter inside common 4 letter word for ramble/roam - but it does not go with 1A - you are right on your answer (10 letters) which is the 5th thematic clue.
4th thematic goes with last across answer (5 letters)
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27th May 2018, 10:55
Thanks all
Had not come across the Colin/Nick connection before and have now found I made an error in another thematic. Interestingly, despite this, my completed grid with 7th word was completely correct.
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27th May 2018, 11:18
New to me too and my name is Nicholas....
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27th May 2018, 13:24
Quite welcome to have an easy puzzle after last week’s numerical conundrum. I had barely completed it and it was time to download 4504. I have to admit that it was only after referring to the forum that I realised that the extra words in the normal clues were synonyms for the wordplay only clue answers; I thought they constituted a clue for the seventh answer!
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27th May 2018, 18:15
I am still at a loss for the relevance of the title. I have the 2013 edition of Chambers so maybe something is missing. Can anyone help me to link my falcon/merlin to the title? Also my last unsolved clue is "Mine's opening and its closure, still not finished. Thanks.
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27th May 2018, 18:34
Your last clue is Eye

End of mine and ye(t)

Milky definition number 4 should help.
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27th May 2018, 19:58
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28th May 2018, 07:29
M - were you familiar with this meaning of 'gentle'?
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