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16th May 2018, 09:37
Many thanks woodlouse.
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16th May 2018, 21:04
By the way, the poet in 32a is RISHI
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17th May 2018, 19:28
Can anyone off a hint for 8d, as I think I've entered it incorrectly? I've currently got CRANES made from CR(own) and (l)ANES, with L as my unnecessary letter. Struggling with other answers that cross it though.
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17th May 2018, 19:58
Everything you have said is correct. It is cranes with a redundant l. The acrosses that cross it are not straightforward, I agree.
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17th May 2018, 21:02
Thanks. Good to know I'm on the right lines. Will keep plugging away!
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17th May 2018, 22:46
I went with cranks for 8. As in the weight bearing elements of a mill system, etc. C (the coin) plus RANKS for channels...
but 15 Really threw me out in terms of how the theme was supposed to work.

Managed to get the name, works and colouring without being quite certain why, but i could rationalise my result so sent it off, assuming i’d overlooked a subtlety.

Spanner in the works by the sound of things.

Pity to spend some considerable time on this, only to find that there was an error in the clueing.
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17th May 2018, 22:54
Noob, if you got the works you've probably got it correct anyway - I, and no doubt others, got those without doing all the fiddly pairing up stuff! The 19-letter answer wasn't too tricky to find.
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18th May 2018, 16:28
I am stuck with 21 down which looks like an anagram but the letters I have EE.SE. don't seem to produce any word.

A gentle hint about the author would also be welcome.

Many thanks.
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18th May 2018, 16:33
Galfridus, it IS an anagram and your letters are correct. I think of the word as hyphenated.

I'm trying to think of a hint towards the author...
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18th May 2018, 16:36
Galfridus, from around post 50, there's information on where to find (literally) the author. That might not be a 'gentle' hint, it maybe reveals too much?
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