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21st April 2018, 09:28
Ah, obvious now! I was counting!
11 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 11:16
Help! I'm stuck at the same point as others. Filled the grid. Found 3 extra words. Thinking letters that are "fifth word". No joy. Googled the 5th and 7th words to no avail. Thanks for any hints.
12 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 11:20
Anagram of silent is relevant to what is removed from the clues to be amended and also a word in the quote
13 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 11:20
Try googling an anagram of silent with 11 across.
14 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 11:21
You just beat me to it dja! ....or should that be two it.
15 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 12:43
Thanks everyone. Got it now. Really enjoyed this one.
16 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 13:07
The fact that most solvers here and elsewhere have got the quote by Googling two words rather than by the route hinted at by the setter suggests his hint didn't work for most. This setter's endgames usually involved an element of guessing what he is thinking, and his particular wavelength is often tricky to tune in to. The cryptic hint is open to various interpretations, and it's a matter of luck if you get the right one. I thought his last puzzle (Rocket Man) was distinctly unfair, so did others to judge from comments on three different forums. This seems to be another in the genre.
17 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 19:33
Could anyone explain the significance of 11 when it is meaning 0. I cannot find BRB. Also 2d . seems a very poor clue. If vessel means person then the wordplay is nothing more than the abbreviation for in the morning. I cannot make any sense of the letters I have remaining. There is hardly an indication that the letters should be anagrammatised. Like everyone else I had to google the quotation. I couldn’t make any sense of the hint.
18 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 20:07
O is a Roman medieval symbol for 11.
2Dn Vessel - OBO around VAM.
19 of 50  -   Report This Post


21st April 2018, 21:48
A latecomer today, I'm indeed astonished by the liberties.
indicates that a silent letter does not affect the pronunciation in any way. Island is reasonable, Listening is not, utter is not, parliament is abject, corps is reasonable, enigmatically is not, two is reasonable, cleaning is not, key is not, christmas is not, exhibits is not. In 28 if the word is 'formed' then that is reasonable, 30 to 33 are reasonable, 34 is not, arguably the eo amends the sound in 35 as does the eo in 32. 36 is reasonable. Appalling...
20 of 50  -   Report This Post