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21st April 2018, 06:24
I've filled the grid, apart from 2d and 17ac - is this an actual Frenchman?

I have 11ac, but don't understand the reference to it in 21ac.

Above all, I don't have the quotation- is it in ODQ? Thanks in anticipation
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21st April 2018, 07:13
Yes he was a real Frenchman am old French president.

Third letter is B.

That should help you with 2d- a Namibian people. AM is morning in wordplay.

The quote isn’t in the ODQ at least not my concise version.

Do you have the 3 superfluous words from down clues? The help they give is a bit dubious.

I got it from looking at the clues that need to be amended l. The letters removed are the same in all 4 cases and can be anagrammed to give a 6 letter word that should help you find the quote.

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21st April 2018, 07:34
I found the quotation by googling quotes about 11ac. I certainly wouldn’t have got it from the three extra words, a bit too many “liberties” for me.
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21st April 2018, 08:16
I agree Planks. A bit of an odd endgame.
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21st April 2018, 08:27
I have a full grid, the three extra words and the four thematic entries. I now have to find the quotation - and quite frankly, I do not understand how I am supposed to do so. After an hour googling the two obvious words I have got nowhere.
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21st April 2018, 08:32
Then of course I read both words of the title and ceased being stupid.
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21st April 2018, 08:47
Dylan if you're still stuck with the reference to 11 look up "O" in BRB. I keep a list of them which is often useful.
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21st April 2018, 09:04
Thanks Cockie, I've never seen that use before. I assumed the reference was to 11 ac, but of course it wasn't!
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21st April 2018, 09:17
I have the quote, understand how the thematic entries are formed and know what to write under the grid. But I do not know how to choose letters from the across clues, even though, in some cases, there is no choice - or how this relates to the three omitted words. I am clearly not allowing myself enough liberty!
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21st April 2018, 09:25
The omitted words refer to something that can’t be heard. That is the clue as to what letters in certain words are chosen. Although depending on your pronunciation you could end up with some odd results.
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