I actually had 5 not 4 as I did not realise shako was an example.
I have filled the grid but cant see the other 2, so must have gone wrong. Is the local old relative clue an example? - I have got a Welsh variation in which might not be right
No, the old relative isn't one of them. Six of them are in pairs which intersect. The seventh is in NW corner - that's if I've got it right as I only seem to have 17 clashes!
Hi bobbibunny, I only have 2 intersecting. I think the preamble of 24 clashes is misleading as I only get 19 actual clashes plus 5 necessary alterations.
If you look at earlier posts in this thread you should see a means of checking if you have the correct ones.
Hi Bunty, your enumerations include changes to unchecked letters which I referred to as changes rather than clashes but using your format you will have 2 in 8d and as 30a and 32d intersect 1 will be counted twice if you're totalling them to 24.