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16th April 2018, 23:42

I actually had 5 not 4 as I did not realise shako was an example.

I have filled the grid but cant see the other 2, so must have gone wrong. Is the local old relative clue an example? - I have got a Welsh variation in which might not be right
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17th April 2018, 16:38
No, the old relative isn't one of them. Six of them are in pairs which intersect. The seventh is in NW corner - that's if I've got it right as I only seem to have 17 clashes!
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17th April 2018, 17:00
Hi bobbibunny, I only have 2 intersecting. I think the preamble of 24 clashes is misleading as I only get 19 actual clashes plus 5 necessary alterations.
If you look at earlier posts in this thread you should see a means of checking if you have the correct ones.
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17th April 2018, 20:15

thanks I now have the 3 pairs plus the NW corner one.

Apart from the self-correcting one, I have the cricketer, rower, 2 French and 2 Cockney ones. But I get only 16 clashes and 5 adjustments.

I cant parse 26a
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17th April 2018, 23:48
4d 2 clashes
19a 3 ...
27a 6 ....
8d 1...
27d 4...
30a 4...
32d 4...
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18th April 2018, 00:18
Hi Bunty, your enumerations include changes to unchecked letters which I referred to as changes rather than clashes but using your format you will have 2 in 8d and as 30a and 32d intersect 1 will be counted twice if you're totalling them to 24.
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18th April 2018, 08:01
Finished last night. Thanks to all who provided hints :-)
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18th April 2018, 17:34

I am puzzled by your 30a showing 4 clashes.

i have Shako which has no clashes as the K is from the correction to 32d.

it parses- HAK(A) in SO
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18th April 2018, 17:44
i thought it parsed as ok inside sah (mostly reflected)
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18th April 2018, 18:28
Hi both, I agree the original answer is sokah, but so + hak(a) reversed.
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