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28th March 2018, 12:16
Almost at the finishing line with only one clue to go. Please can someone help with 32a, "Independent unionist got/(not?) in assembly, enjoying success" Even with 3 out of 4 letters in, I can't see the answer.
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28th March 2018, 12:16
Many thanks Malone. Got it now.
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28th March 2018, 12:25
Hi catkin. I was in exactly the same position as you with this clue. Think the answer is: In it, though can’t really parse it.
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28th March 2018, 13:09
in it BRB definition enjoying success: Indepenendent + unit (assembly) (n)ot Unionist
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28th March 2018, 13:57
Thanks, Crates and Goshawk. As always, it is straightforward when pointed out.
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28th March 2018, 17:07
Hello, have done the whole thing bar 26 down, which is testing the old grey matter. I have an E to start and finish - either of which could be the New Letter -and a blank unch. Pretty confident about 29a and 32a. Thanks for any hints!
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28th March 2018, 17:33
It is the first E that is the changed letter. Originally in 26D it was abbrev for soprano.
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28th March 2018, 17:36
Presume you have 32A - The final letter of that also a change to fit in with 26D
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28th March 2018, 18:09
Thank you crates.
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