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24th March 2018, 18:45
Hi DJA, you're absolutely right, finding the source and then the quote was a great help in resolving the rest of the grid. Not everyone is going to like the same thing, it would be a boring world if we did, but there is another poem by this writer, sometimes referred to by just a name, begins with E, a big story about displacement of people and the consequences for individuals...a very powerful story.
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24th March 2018, 19:21
Thanks for your advice , Meursault. I've now found the Source and am looking forward to getting on. It's a lovely poem. I don't know what others think, but I've always thought the Poet was very under-rated in this country.
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24th March 2018, 19:25
Thanks for help Meursault and others. Not really enjoying this now. Although I have the source, I can't find the quote - like looking for a needle in a haystack. Any more hints appreciated.
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24th March 2018, 20:00
Hi fgsltw, look up a site called .org, and you'll see a list of all his poems, searchable. For this poem, you'll need to look at the 3rd verse. What you might have to do is to just pencil a few possibilities for the entries where you think there have been changes so far. Pretty soon you'll get a hint as Wintonian suggested. I went a little differently, thinking that the letters from 3-7 down spelled 'thing'.
Then it was simply a question of searching the poem for that string of letters.
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24th March 2018, 20:02
I should know better, one or both of the cursor keys disrupt comment.
Look up /initial/initial/surname/org then follow rest of previous hint...
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24th March 2018, 20:25
Thank you, think I've got it now but not sure I can be bothered to go into it and find all the changes for the sake of it. Missing last word is quite obvious now I think.
Thanks for helps.
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24th March 2018, 21:41
Tough puzzle, took me all morning. Still can't parse 1 Down. I tip my hat to anyone who has solved this without reverse-engineering
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24th March 2018, 23:17
It seems to me that the definition is missing from 1d, so I guess it's supposed to be &lit (but that would usually be indicated by '!').


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25th March 2018, 00:22
Hi, buzzb,

The first definition for “episode” in Chambers is “a story introduced into a narrative or poem to give variety”, so it’s a clear &lit clue. I think that an exclamation mark is actually rather unusual for such clues.
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25th March 2018, 11:23
I have the quotation and the missing word and the quotation's source. I'm back-filling the grid entries and am stumped on 2d ('RIPPLE??') and 20a.
I have SAYON for the grid entry for 40a and MAINEST (is that a real word?) for the grid entry to 25d, neither of which is in my 2016 Chambers. Apart from that, I enjoyed this one.
Any help gratefully received!
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