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25th March 2018, 18:23
Casanova, you have the wrong misprint for 1 Across
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25th March 2018, 18:26
Casanova. Not spotty. Think Ken Dodd.
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25th March 2018, 18:56
I have been looking at 1d for ages but I still cannot parse it. I think if the wordplay also contains the definition then the answer should be the singular and not the plural.
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25th March 2018, 19:04
Yes! I am able to locate the poem now.
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25th March 2018, 19:11
Chambers defines an episode as a “story introduced into a narrative or poem to give variety”. I assume that the “story” could itself be another poem, so the clue (which begins with the plural word “poems “) fits the plural answer. It’s a classic &lit clue.

Incidentally, the poem that is the thematic source for the quotation is episodic in style!
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27th March 2018, 10:19
All solved and understood - but am I right in thinking that the word to be highlighted (ie final word in the quotation) is part of 39a? If so, isn't 'o' there the new letter (replacing 'i') so the word to be highlighted can't be valid? Or should I be looking elsewhere?
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27th March 2018, 10:24
Hi izzet, it appears in a diagonal.
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27th March 2018, 10:29
D'oh! Just spotted Thanks
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28th March 2018, 10:41
Late starting as usual. Have more or less managed to fill the grid but do not understand 34A. This clue completely baffles me! I know the changed letter must be to a G (I think) but can’t see the clue word which changes. A hint would be most welcome anyone please.
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28th March 2018, 10:46
Change the first word in the clue - using the letter you've mentioned.
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