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2nd April 2018, 14:50
Thanks Tatters. Got my letters ED in the wrong part of word. Thought they were in middle!
No’s. 8 & 90 still to go but brain not working despite clue given by Lisalippy for no.90.
Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
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2nd April 2018, 15:03
Got no.90 now or at least my husband did! Just no.8 - Cap the bomb initially-before old army rifle detonates (11). Any clues please as don’t think any have been given for this one?
162 of 175  -   Report This Post

lady bee

3rd April 2018, 01:06
No.8 When university students graduate, they wear a gown and cap. What is the cap called? Also made up of word for bomb and as the clue tells you, initially 'Before Old Army Rifle Detonates'.
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3rd April 2018, 13:42
Thank you lady bee. Got it now. So simple!
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23rd April 2018, 18:01
Since nothing hasbeen added for three weeks i guess everyone else has got all 100. I am still stuck on two -

43. Head was open to suspicion on board and brought to book. I have seen Squeers suggested but cant seehow it fits the first part of the clue

46. As before, I enter the mine with the tutor.
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23rd April 2018, 18:19
Wackford Squeers was head of Dotheboys Hall in the book "Nicholas Nickleby.
How many letters in the other one?
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23rd April 2018, 18:50
Think I went for DOMINIE for 46

DO [ditto/as before]
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23rd April 2018, 18:52
46: dominie = tutor (schoolmaster)
anagram of "do" (ditto/as before) + " I" + "mine)
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23rd April 2018, 19:56
Thanks for Dominie

I can see how Squeers fits a headmaster in a book but why him rather than any other headmaster with a seven letter name ?
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23rd April 2018, 20:53
Glad to help with "dominie", ApacheDave.
Regarding 43. Head was open to suspicion on board and brought to book
Squeers - headmaster in a book.
queer - suspicion (see Bradford's dictionary)
ss - steamship / on board
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