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26th March 2018, 16:22
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for help. I now have 44. I have still got 10 to go but will keep trying.
131 of 175  -   Report This Post


30th March 2018, 23:24
Desperate now...have tried so hard! Can anyone please give any more clues on

43. Head was open to suspicion on board and brought to book.... 7
49. Take away the intermediate class 6
52. His former tutors may be disappointed that he can compose not Latin ode3,7
55. Dad briefly was in place making a crust when students did not attend 5,3
57. and she somehow appeared blank yet taught the son of Homer! 4,9
73. Establish a brief course of instruction for American teachers 9
88. Highest quality teacher of a bright spark.- literally 4,4,6
95. In the river is an explosive that's being tested 9

Disappointed that I haven't got these....any more clues would be greatly appreciated!!!
Well done to those who have completed the puzzle!

132 of 175  -   Report This Post


30th March 2018, 23:33
88 is a character from a novel by Muriel Spark
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lady bee

31st March 2018, 07:56
57. Think of the Simpsons

I think most of the others have had hints, if not the answers, given on various threads on this site and on the Answerbank.
134 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st March 2018, 10:17
Thank you all, something more to work on...very much appreciated
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31st March 2018, 13:56
Yes, Winnie it does begin with d
Have you done the rest now?
The only one I'm not sure about is 68. I have an answer but it doesn't really fit all of the clue! Does it begin with o?
136 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st March 2018, 14:06
55 think of what teachers used to call a training day.
57 anagram look up simpsons
think of a book and a film
93 I have an answer beginning with d
137 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st March 2018, 14:11
17 title of a song sung by alice
44 word for cheat and a crooner
68 cannot really do!!
73 mine begins with i
75 where staff go for a cup of coffee!!
138 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st March 2018, 17:17
Thank you Jul...and everyone else.....down to 5 now...still struggling!!
139 of 175  -   Report This Post


31st March 2018, 19:42
Down to two!!! No.s 52 and 57!!!
52. His former tutors may be disappointed that he can compose no Latin ode 3,7
57 and she somehow appeared blank yet
taught the son of homer 4,9
I know the son of homer is bart...but still stumped!!!
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