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lady bee

31st March 2018, 20:48
52. Compose = anagram - of last three words.

57. Surely it's not beyond you to google the teacher of Bart in the Simpsons- also made up of an anagram of two words in the clue.
141 of 175  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 14:18
Congratulations to all you who have finished!!!
I am really cross with myself for not being able to do 68.
As I aid I have an answer but don't lie it!!!!!
Any help would be appreciated!
142 of 175  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 14:35
Office for Standards in Education
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1st April 2018, 14:37
thanks shooty. I have that answer but cannot fit it to the second half of the clue!
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1st April 2018, 14:38
Jul, there are other Rainbow Quiz threads . There was a massive hint on one of those for 68.
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1st April 2018, 14:56
Because I used to work for them I put that down, but still don't know how it fits--can you tell me, please?
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1st April 2018, 14:59
Now I understand it!!!! I have been right all along without knowing why!!!
I can go away happy now!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!!
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1st April 2018, 17:53
Hello & Happy Easter to everyone. I still have 12 to solve, one of which there has already been given a clue so will work on it.

Can I please have help with following. Will only ask for six at the moment and see where that Ames me!

4. Girl holds the key for this sport (5). Does it begin with R?
5. Place which confuses cool and rash youth leader after a short time (9,6). Is this something School?
7. Makes fun of practice (5)
8. Cap the bomb initially before old arm rifle detonates (11)
Are the letters CTB in it from 1st part of clue?
60. First coat can be useful for an early reader (6). ???
69. Speaker to scold the Queen (8). Are the letters ER in the answer for Queen?

Any clues would be appreciated thanks. There are still another five to solve but will leave them for the time being!
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1st April 2018, 18:44
lady bee...thank you so much...would never have got no. 57 without your help. Think I have an answer now for 52. thought it was one thing but as its an anagram I knew what I had was didn't matter what anagram solver I tried I couldn't find anything...then I broke it down to 2 words and have found something....fingers crossed it is right!
Happy Easter all!
149 of 175  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 18:52
4. yes
5. yes
7. What you do when you make fun of something, or someone
8. sorry, sister got that one and not sure how or why...but haven't got a C in my answer
60. first coat as in paint
69. yes, at the end - first part, what you give someone when you are scolding them
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