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1st March 2018, 10:03
I am stuck on my last clue - 23d reads 'Times article about religious book of South Africans' (6).
I have ?H??AN and I'm fairly sure the 4th letter is an S. I only have 8 of the 9 alternative letter answers so 23d looks like it's the missing one.
Also... is the answer to 31d the name of a town?
Any help gratefully received!
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1st March 2018, 10:11
the clues with alteratives are 9a, 13a,15a,17a,29a , 2d,4d,18d,25d

i missed 29a first time round
31d no it's a currency / money of the balkans starts with K
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1st March 2018, 13:38
I am stuck on 10D and 21A.
Republican party in America, supporting Czech Republic, finally sanctions Russian territories.
Geriatric woman loses a ring first thing.
If anyone happens to be passing by, I would be very grateful for any help!
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1st March 2018, 14:04
First one starts CZ for Czech Republic and definition is Russian territories.

Second is slang for geriatric.

O is ring in wordplay.

You then need to remove an A from a common four letter word beginning with L for a woman.

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1st March 2018, 15:43
Thank you very much, djawhufc. That's very helpful; I didn't start this until yesterday, and I hope I can now finish it before the next one appears !
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1st March 2018, 19:37
Thank you very much for your help bunty. I missed 17a being one of the alternative letter ones. Now it can't be TUNIC - drat!
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1st March 2018, 20:03
If you've still not got the alternative Gazzar think of a series of wars between Rome and Carthage.
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1st March 2018, 22:45
I had the alternative pretty much straight away but thanks anyway alwayspuzzled. All done now.
I don't really see the how the title connects to the choice of letters - titles of EV are usually more closely related to the themes, in my humble opinion...
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manic mary

2nd March 2018, 09:57
Thought I was doing pretty well on this one and have managed to fill most of the grid and got the 9 'strangers' but 35, 36 & 37 across have got me staring cross-eyed at the grid, Help please. Also, is it just the rows/cols containing changes that have all different letters, or every row/col? I too, am wondering what relevance the title has??
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2nd March 2018, 10:23
MM, I've no longer got my copy, but if you give the clues I should be able to help.
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