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25th February 2018, 15:15
Rather surprisingly I have a virtually full grid and, even more surprisingly, also think I know how to decide between the alternative letters. I still need 34 across (How Lorna and Angus have danced! But lecturer at Open University cut in - 6).
I have an idea about it connected with the past tense of a Scottish word meaning to dance. The trouble is I have only eight of the alternatives not nine so need to go back to find the remaining one. At the moment I have four in across clues and four in down ones.
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25th February 2018, 15:36
Not started yet! What letters do you have alwayspuzzled?
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25th February 2018, 15:47
Haven’t looked but isn’t it


Ou L(ecturer) in Sed (Latin for but)?
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25th February 2018, 15:54
I have L for the starting letter from 18d uncoils/oncowls ?? could be wrong though!
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25th February 2018, 16:07
Haven’t looked at others but if you’re right it would be

Louped Scots for danced
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25th February 2018, 16:11
I think it's LOUPEN (L+open with u in)
No idea yet as to which alternatives to select
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25th February 2018, 16:38
I agree with LOUPEN, but as all 6 letters are given in wordplay it can't be one of the nine. I have 8 of them, and al full grid apart from 15A where I have -YAN. I reckon this is one of the nine, but I can't tease any meaning out of "Reynolds casually" for -YAN unless there is a Ryan Reynolds casual connection. RR is a Canadian actor, but why "casually"?

If I'm right I'm nowhere near knowing what to do, however.
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25th February 2018, 16:39
Looks right.

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25th February 2018, 16:45
Isn't Cyan greenish blue?
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25th February 2018, 17:30
Yes, sunray, but it's the other -YAN I was bothered by. Still no idea what to do, after another too-many-minutes staring. Is it relevant that the title is in French, or is it the meaning we're after?
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