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20th February 2018, 19:58
A man goes to the doctor and says "I think my wife is going deaf"
"Really" says the doctor " you must test her. Say something to her from a distance, then go closer until she responds"
He finds her washing up, and says "What's for dinner?"
He goes closer and says "What's for dinner?"
Closer still "What's for dinner?"
"For the third time, it's chicken!"
21 of 23  -   Report This Post


20th February 2018, 20:14
Mr P and Chris
I am laughing out loud here,......;0)

Send reinforcements , we're going to advance........

What did he say ?

Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance !
22 of 23  -   Report This Post


20th February 2018, 20:27
Two men on a bus
"Is this Wembley?"
"No, it's Thursday"
"So am I - let's go for a drink"
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