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4th February 2018, 15:27
As far as I can see this involves exactly assigning each grid answer to ist corresponding definitions and seeing which one is left over ( a Herculean task) and writing the extra clue to fit that. I am now left with assigning the wordplay given at 9d and finding a definition for the grid answer - if it's right - at 15a and then everything ties up which will mean going through the whole thing again for which perhaps life is too short - or is there an easier way?
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4th February 2018, 15:43
All now assigned and am now left with the task of writing a clue for a word that could have several endings... or is that part of the fun?
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4th February 2018, 16:54
Assuming that you have an entry at X across with no clue and one unchecked letter, the clue for X across will contain a one-word definition of the grid entry, enabling you to determine which of the possibilities is the correct one.

The last 'Wrong Number' comp was 2,305:

In this instance the entry which needed just a one-word definition was PATCH (asterisked in the puzzle and clued simply as 'Piece', the equivalent of 6dn here), and the word lacking a clue was AGREE (the equivalent of X across here). The list of successful clues may give you some help in terms of what is required clue-wise. As you will see, two successful entries used the same definition as Azed ('piece', the equivalent of 'strumpet' here); this is acceptable but not compulsory.
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4th February 2018, 20:29
I too am stuck on 15 ac and 3 d. Have got all the answers to the clues except 15 a . Have placed all the answers in the grid but now 15 a and 3 d seem to clash. Must have done something wrong. Frustrating. Can anyone help me with the answer to 15 a.? I have cra?? But think this is wrong.
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4th February 2018, 20:45
The entry at 15ac is 6 letters and C, R and A are not the first, second and third of them; they are the first three letters of the entry at 3dn. The clue at 15ac belongs to 6dn, and the clue at 12ac belongs to 3dn.
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4th February 2018, 20:48
Oops sorry. I meant the answer to12 a . I don't have. Have got all that you suggrsted.
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4th February 2018, 20:52
The clue for the entry at 12ac is at 3dn; the clue at 12ac delivers the answer to 3dn [A(one) in (CIRCUS-US) reversed = CRAIC, 'fun']. Does that help?
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5th February 2018, 05:41
Thanks. Thought it must be crai? But craic is not in my Chambers!
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5th February 2018, 07:58
Maybe time to invest in a new Chambers, jadzia?! 'Craic' IS in mine, revised 13th edition. It's a tiny entry - it just says 'see 'crack' '. There's more of a definition there.
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5th February 2018, 09:47
The clue at 15a does have a definition for what is entered there. It is more than one word, it is obscure (to me at least) - but is confirmed in Chambers.
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