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4th February 2018, 11:29
New to this crossword lark! Don't understand AZED instructions. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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4th February 2018, 11:35
what does the preamble state? any clues to get you started would be nice.
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4th February 2018, 11:57
As I see it, 34 ac is the whole clue to the one-word definition found at 31a, where the answer is entered, ie if the whole clue gives you a clear answer, you will be entering it elsewhere in the grid.
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4th February 2018, 11:57
I have completed the grid, apart from the final letter at 15a in the grid. I have got there by solving the clues on a separate sheet then jig-sawing the answers into the grid.
However, I have the same trouble as you, Eretrep, in understanding the preamble in order to insert the final letter and compose a clue at the asterisk! I don't understand what is meant in the second line of the instructions by "where it stands", and often the definition appears to be more than one word.
Help, please, anyone who is also tackling this one!
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4th February 2018, 11:59
Probably easiest to give you an example.

The clue at 13ac is 'Suitable head of state installed, showing punch'. The solution to this clue is FIST (S='head of state' in FIT=suitable, definition='punch') but it is not entered at 13ac; you must find another one-word definition for FIST in another clue for a four-letter entry, in this instance the word 'grip' in the clue for 27dn. FIST should therefore be entered at 27dn.

The full clue for the entry at 13ac will be found elsewhere, but one word in the clue given above (in this instance it turns out to be 'state') will serve as a second definition (note that in puzzles of this type the definitions may sometimes by necessity be slightly 'loose').

Hope that helps.

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4th February 2018, 12:03
You will find that one entry has a one-word definition in the clue that shares its designation, but no full clue. Competition entrants must write a complete clue for this word which includes a one-word definition of the entry at 6dn, in other words a clue for 6dn which 'completes the set'.
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4th February 2018, 12:41
Beautifully explained, Jacknatter. Am I correct in thinking that 15a as entered in the grid is connected with 2d?
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4th February 2018, 13:54
It's days like this when I REALLY miss Frogman .....
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4th February 2018, 14:00
Thanks to those who have set me on my way!
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4th February 2018, 15:03
I have a full grid and have worked out which definitions belong to which answer in all clues except 12ac and 9dn. And I can't see the wordplay für 15ac and 3dn. Perhaps they are related.
And I still don't see quite how to construct this last clue at 6d.
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