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28th January 2018, 16:08
A real goody from Samuel. A tiny sardine won't come out of the tin., however. What would be 3D and 17A (which cross) don't work, it seems to me. I must be missing something.
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28th January 2018, 16:19
Which part is the actual clue?
We don't all have the crossword.
Letter count?
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28th January 2018, 16:52
".... A specific number of answers must each have a string of letters removed on entry; clues to these answers consist of a definition to the answer, and wordplay leading to the grid entry..."

Cold solving ... so far so good.....but don't really understand what the above actually means....can someone please give an example?
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28th January 2018, 16:59
I "may be wrong" but possibly....
clue 3: Regularly avoid dystopian writer? ....wordplay gives a o d ...dystopian writer Atwood ... so "two" is the string of letters removed ??
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28th January 2018, 17:00
rossim - it's isn't that easy, because it's a jig-saw and now that I've specified where the two answers go I've given that part of the game away if I print the clues - sorry

the preamble means that on some answers several consecutive letters are not entered into the grid. Eg. if the answer to the clue is RESOUNDING the letters (they always make a word) SOUND are omitted and what goes in is REING, which needn't be a word. The letters-making-words omitted are related (but not to SOUND, of course)
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28th January 2018, 17:01
bunty - it's not clue 3 which is my problem: it's the word that would go at 3D if numbers were applied
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28th January 2018, 17:19
sorry cockie ...i was replying to xwordfan... did i get that bit right?
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28th January 2018, 17:29
Yes Bunty that’s right
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28th January 2018, 19:45
The clues I'm stuck with are

Angry as this diplomat could make Chelsea ...

ELCHI is a diplomat, but the wordplay doesn't work (it's EL-H-)

Suit cheers woman of song (G-E-A)

Wordplay gives GEETA but is there a songstress of that name?

The last letter of EL-H- is the second letter of G-E-A

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28th January 2018, 21:48
It looks like a mistake

Anagram of as and elche makes Chelsea

Elchee one of the spellings in Chambers has two Es at the end.

That would make Geeta correct.
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