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seamus, ayrshire

26th January 2018, 19:16
Lots to like, but mattrom @2 comes a close second with bbm2@21 getting my vote.
41 of 65  -   Report This Post


26th January 2018, 19:22
Liked FJ@13&25, SW@22, dorrien@23,

Voting for BBM2 # 21
42 of 65  -   Report This Post


26th January 2018, 19:36
So, with BBM2 now on 5 with his

Musical direction for Elton on tour (5)

I can now round this up (sorry, ixion, your vote can no longer influence the result). aristo and ixion were joint runners-up on 2.

I was amazed at the quality of the entries, and BBM2's at 21 was one of my favourites too, though I'm a bit surprised that paul @19 didn't get a mention.

Your prize is one of my favourite pieces of music, one that I think deserves to be better known. It does run for nearly 13 minutes, though.

(btw I won't be entering next week, as I'm away the week after - funeral in Essex, I'm afraid.)
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26th January 2018, 19:55
I did like dorrien @26 too, but then we all read LOTR in the 70s!
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26th January 2018, 20:13
Congratulations, bigbad, and thanks, chrise. Thanks also to skyewalker and rossim for the votes and to dorrien, pigale, and bigbad for the mentions. Lovely piece, chrise. Just gets you, like Finzi's Eclogue.

One of my great joys in life is playing Shostakovich's Preludes and Fugues (just me and my Steinway)- that profound cosmic order (especially the ones in the XXs). Some of them are almost showy, but there's always that purity of line coming through. Have you ever listened to (or played) them?
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26th January 2018, 20:15
Nice one BBM! (Your clue was my runner-up). Well done on the "double whammy". You're going to be a busy boy next week. Cheers, ChrisE. Thanks, Mattrom, for the mention. Much appreciated. (I wondered if I'd be asked for a parse for that one).
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26th January 2018, 20:20
Hi aristo
No, I don't know his piano works, I must try them. I do like the high single figure string quartets, though. I do know the Finzi, though - I like Finzi. Do you know his near contemporary, Roger Quilter?
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26th January 2018, 20:20
Well done BBM, good clue!
Thanks Chrise for setting and for this beautiful piece of music.
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26th January 2018, 20:32
btw aristo, the images behind your link reminded me of one of our favourite (recently deceased) artists - Peter Brook. WE have 3 numbered etchings and also some prints of his. Search on Google for "peter brook artist".
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26th January 2018, 20:41
Delighted with the win against such clever opposition !

Thanks to paul, dorrien, pigale, seamus and mattrom for the votes - also jack for liking my other entry.

Yes it's a busy week ahead !

Cheers to chris for setting and the prize. Nice to have some classical.
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