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23rd January 2018, 09:46
Jigjag - I find EV something I can tune into quickly or (more usual) will have to battle with for ages. Even so, was v pleased with time for this one - which is why I was so frustrated with 12a, which when I did get it must say was a very nice clue. I won EV once years ago, when the theme was Gary Sobers hitting six sixes in an over and you had to to highlight a 6 shape to finish. Can't remember the compiler, but like Chalicea.
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23rd January 2018, 13:30
Thanks friends, I really appreciate the vote of confidence. Indeed I think lots of compilers read the threads (and Malone, I know you never like mine but the editors of EV and IQ deliberately offset tough ones with easier ones so that solvers get a balanced range of puzzles - so sorry!) Of course, there is a full range of difficulty in the Magpie too - I am A this month - that is 'easy'.
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