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27th December 2017, 08:48
As ususal, I cannot do some clues that everyone else has solved!

19d I have VU???D Is it some unusual spelling of vowed? Is the V right?

I cannot make any sense of 24d.

Is 23d SUISE - SLUISE without the L.

And I dont have 31a - does it have a J in the middle, or is it an alternate spelling of ouija for 25d?

Thanks for any help and merry christmas. I got my first ever Chambers this year as a pressie, and was delighted to look up 32a in it :smug:
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27th December 2017, 09:06
You haven't given the clues, but here's some help...

19 Vummed, can't remember the parsing.

23 Sasse, a sluice or lock.

31 Yes, there's a J in the middle. The J is the beginning of a three-letter word (ie reversed in the answer) , a Latin word for 'right', legally speaking.

I found some of these clues very obscure.
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27th December 2017, 09:13
Hi Malone

I may be wrong but I thought Oreo parsed

Halve the study made of hills


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27th December 2017, 09:32
Thanks,dja..., that sounds perfect. I was just relieved to come up with some parsing for Oreo - to atone for rejecting it earlier!
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27th December 2017, 10:06
Thanks Malone, very helpful. Nice to get the grid completed when you get so close.
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