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6th December 2017, 16:39
Help please - been struggling with this all week so far and managed to complete about 90% of the grid. I have the phrase from the extra words, and know that the (Latin?) quote involves the largest planet. However my ODQ only gives me three such quotes, none of which seem to help. I also need the name of the author. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
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6th December 2017, 16:55
If you have the NW to SE diagonal you should have the name of the book and hence the author on the bottom line.
Then google the title of the book + jupiter and I think it s the 6th entry which gives the quote
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6th December 2017, 17:06
Thanks to gazzar for help with 8a and 12a
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6th December 2017, 17:30
Thank you very much Kirky. I don't think I would ever have got there - there are about 13 words beyond my previous comprehension in this puzzle to say nothing of the Latin (two years study in Grammar School 60+ years ago). Hey ho we live and learn!
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