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27th November 2017, 22:19

Many thanks - I will have a go at it then. I like this compiler. Her last 5 EVs have been excellent.

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27th November 2017, 23:06
All done plus further instruction carried out. I've not heard of the nickname of the thematic vessel and it doesn't mention it in Chambers (which is perhaps why there's no mention of Chambers in the blurb...?).
A nice puzzle!
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28th November 2017, 06:48
Thanks for that Djawhufc. I was looking for a type of vessel.
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28th November 2017, 10:35
Hello to a number of old friends. I don't usually comment here as I am on the 'other' board (and my Listeners get slammed by a rather vocal member of this one who has it in for me - he thinks I was the reason he was 'excluded' from the other board - not the case) but I appreciated the input here and felt I should explain to Racheldiaz that there was an issue with the online version. A technical error had meant that the last line was cut. The crossword editor put it right when he was alerted to the problem (in the early hours of Sunday). It was OK in the printed version. We have a very strict limit to word count and the number of clues, and I was over the limit so the EV editor suggested cutting the Chambers reference but it is still valid for the crossword with only proper nouns being allowed. Thank you for all the lovely comments. We do come here to see whether solvers are happy, and we do really care!
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28th November 2017, 11:51
I am stuck on 11 Across and 11 and 37 Down. I have the last word of 11a but still can't find the answer, which is making me feel very stupid !
Any hints gratefully received
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28th November 2017, 12:38
Thanks ruthrobin. I do like your puzzles.

Stupidly, I hardly bothered reading the clue for 24a and assumed it was the second word of the title, having also assumed that 22a was the first. I didn't see the usual EV configuration for hidden words. I don't submit anyway, but it's nice to feel I've properly solved it.
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28th November 2017, 12:40
Samovar, think of a type of timber for the first part of 11d
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28th November 2017, 13:19
Thank you so much, Cloverjo. Got it at last ! I'm ashamed to say my second word was wrong, having an "a" for the vowel. Re 37 down I am presuming it's a language and a people, but need more help as I can't find what I thought it was in Chambers.
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28th November 2017, 13:22
3 letter s e asia language + usual 2 letter abbrev for number
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28th November 2017, 17:26
Thank you, Bunty. Sorry to be late answering I had to go to the dentist's and while I was there I got it (the answer). Perhaps I should go to the dentist more often !
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