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26th November 2017, 12:00
Does anybody know what the full clue to 41d is?

I download the enigma from the Telegraph Puzzles website and 41d seems incomplete: Prepaid envelope, so

A few words and the clue length seem to be missing - help!
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26th November 2017, 12:12
41 D. Prepaid envelope, so Scottish (3).
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26th November 2017, 12:16
Thanks v much, Malone!
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27th November 2017, 12:38
I seem to have hit a problem in the top half of the grid.
Can anyone tell me if my letters are correct for 14a? I have
???M?EREE, but can't find any word that fits.
The clue is
A shaft of light through heart of pre-set measures (9)
There is an extra letter (I think an E) in the wordplay. Just a hint would be great, thank you.
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27th November 2017, 13:00
Your final letter is wrong, cloverjo, the word ends in S
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27th November 2017, 13:01
I had the same letters but mine ends S which gives the plural of some measures ...can't parse it though
But then 7d has ??SS which doesn't seem right as the clue would seem to imply it's an anagram of essay with one S taken out ?? (thought first it was ayes?) Odd?
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27th November 2017, 13:01
Thank you, crucifer.
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27th November 2017, 13:02
crucifer ... what does that make 7d then please?
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27th November 2017, 13:04
It's an anagram of ESSAY with A removed = YES'S
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27th November 2017, 13:06
Ah.. thank you crucifer
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