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Crossword Help Forum
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4th October 2016, 23:14
Quite an entertaining thread here. I have no interest in the quiz but as a relative newcomer to the site...

Is there a list somewhere of which crosswords/quizzes may have their answers given or only help given etc

Is there a difference between crosswords and quizzes in respect of assistance being given

Why allow answers to be given only after a couple of months have elapsed when answers to the Saturday Times Prize crosswords and others are given freely (and extremely quickly) on the day of publication.

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4th October 2016, 23:36
It's a good point you make Tatters - the way I have always approached it is that Crosswords (most of the time) are ephemeral, here today and gone tomorrow. Granted some have large prizes but no link to a charitable fund raising effort.

Quizzes are usually over a month or some much longer than that to solve, in that time it is still on sale or available to download (depending on format) - if answers or heavy clues are given early on it has been proven that sales fall as it then becomes a simple lottery.

Re a list - well no, some sites do have unwritten/unspoken conventions on the topic and certain quiz setters do state 'no asking' on their sheets, not this one.

It's a hard call and I know I for one come over quite zealous on the topic. but I do love my quizzes.

I try to be polite in my objections as I am very fond of this site and the friends I've made here, though some names I only see when this quiz appears.

I think I've said enough, cue massive sigh of relief all round.
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5th October 2016, 00:40
This site is called Crossword Help Forum which I am sure is what it used to be and then quizzes started to be asked. Those asking for answers to a charity quiz never give any details normally. The trouble with the Rainbow quiz is that the clues given just get easier and easier until they might as well have been given the answer. For those of you have never seen Rainbow totally ruined on here then watch this space. It will run into well over 200 posts and nearly all of the quiz asked. Of course none of them will be asking because they want to win what is a larger prize than most other quizzes
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5th October 2016, 08:46
Tatters, the closing date for entry to the Saturday Times crossword is less than a week from publication date.
Just enough time to complete the puzzle and get it posted off before the deadline.
Quite a difference from the two months plus, of the Rainbow Quiz.
Asking for help with two months to closing date may or may not be against the quiz rules, but many obviously feel it is "not quite right."
I can understand that.
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5th October 2016, 09:55
Well the backbiting has begun,I reckon all the objectors to asking for help on here are secret gleaners of clues to the questions,why else would they be on this thread,if you dont need help why do you come on here,or is it that you have solved them all and want less people to get 100 correct so that you have more chance of winning,dont forget some people wont send in the quiz sheet unless they have an answer to all questions,I love to do this quiz and my target is the roll of honour,which i have been on a number of occasions,so I dont hold your argument about wanting to win the life changing 50 pound first prize,I have 97 answers for this quiz at the moment,I am that interested in winning this quiz that I will give help if i deem it appropriate ............

Edited by Admin - bad language and derogatory language removed after complaints from users
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5th October 2016, 10:51
And some full stops.....................................................................
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5th October 2016, 10:55
If the objectors are secret gleaners of clues,why are they trying to stop you giving them?
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5th October 2016, 11:11
Is palman secretly giving answers with his post? Twelve different double-lettered words from him :

Hell all correct winning sheet unless roll occasions deem appropriate stuff bloody ;0)

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5th October 2016, 11:26
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5th October 2016, 11:33
The word "I" features prominently in his post, too.
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