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5th October 2016, 16:10
Goodness, Georgeiii, you have put the cat among the pigeons now........
Everyone will be frantically scurrying round wondering which wrong answer they have all copied!
101 of 367  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 16:12
Palman, re your post at 93.........
I would point out that you appear to have been reprimanded for " bad language, swearing and derogatory comments" - see Norah's post - and not for giving answers to other quizzers.
102 of 367  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 16:29
Who mentioned this quiz?
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5th October 2016, 16:39
This quizzing business can seriously mess with your head, I knew a lady a while back (not here, no names no pack drill) who having got so exasperated at the repeated and multiple asking gave out a very good and very plausible but WRONG answer to an asker.

She left that site under her own steam shortly after and now walks the wilderness, muttering and inventing anagrams to herself - she doesn't quiz any more as she's not allowed sharp objects.
104 of 367  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 16:43
She's in the next cell to me.
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6th October 2016, 19:09
Betty as with a lot of clues it's best to put the word(in this case silk square) into google and synonyms and, bingo, there's your answer.
This is not really helping is it?
106 of 367  -   Report This Post


6th October 2016, 20:02
Betty,I should have said its got a girls name in it
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7th October 2016, 14:22
Thanks to wilhemina and palman,
With clues from both of you I have now solved this one. Hurray.
108 of 367  -   Report This Post


7th October 2016, 17:19
Nervous about asking for help considering what has been said earlier in this thread - but will take the bull by the horns! Any hints please for number 87 'Teacher is good - superior to Head', I just keep going around in circles. Thanks in anticipation
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7th October 2016, 18:15
Got it - just needed a bit more thought!
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