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10th October 2016, 15:09
midge, why just a possibility - would you like a parse?
121 of 367  -   Report This Post


10th October 2016, 19:02
What do you mean?
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10th October 2016, 22:05
midge, at post 116 betty gave you a hint and at post 120 you said you had that answer as a possibility. I then asked if you would like a parse of the clue to confirm it is correct as you seemed unsure. Sorry if you are happy with clue 87 and best of luck with the rest of the quiz.
123 of 367  -   Report This Post


10th October 2016, 23:08
Sorry, sent post before looked up the meaning of parse. Did not mean to offend you. Yes I would like a parse so I can confirm the answer. I have 7 to go and this quiz is driving me nuts, I think it is the hardest rainbow quizzes I have done! Thank you for your offer.
124 of 367  -   Report This Post


10th October 2016, 23:15
Definition is Teacher
Good = G, an allowed crossword abbreviation
Superior to = OVER
Head = NESS (geographical)

125 of 367  -   Report This Post


11th October 2016, 00:00
Dear chiaroscuro, as your name suggests, you can certainly see the effect of clear light and the obscure dark..... of a clue.
Can we please solve quizzes together for the rest of our lives?
I don't care what gender you are cos I'm 73 and you are clearly a person who sees things in black and white !!!! XX
126 of 367  -   Report This Post


11th October 2016, 07:51
Gosh, steady on, winnie! You are very welcome.
127 of 367  -   Report This Post


11th October 2016, 08:47
Thanks for the banter chiaroscuro - happy quizzing.
( PS I'm not 73 !)
128 of 367  -   Report This Post


11th October 2016, 15:32
Just three to go and I'm completely stuck.
13, 52 and 94. If anyone could possible give even the merest of hints to set me on my way, it would be greatly appreciated.
129 of 367  -   Report This Post


11th October 2016, 16:45
raz dwell on fit
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