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david w

3rd August 2016, 21:56
After getting about four solutions I've decided this puzzle is far too hard for me. But, for curiosity, I'd like to know if the + or - thing works like this:

Gain from being in favour of exercise - could give 'profit'.
Gain from being against exercise - could give 'antifit'.
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4th August 2016, 01:27
You're not too far away with that idea Davd W...nothing has to change in the clues though...

The NW corner is a good place to get started, 1D changes (defn bird) from +ve (7 letters) to -ve.
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david w

4th August 2016, 11:45
Thank you for trying ixion. Sadly, your helpful hints are still too cryptic for me.
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4th August 2016, 12:30
I think the 7 letter bird has a large bill david if i am on the right lines... then change the last 3 letters to the opposite fact just adding a letter gives the opposite.
Seems to parse but I may weel be wrong!
21a is normal I think .. an anagram
25a also a normal clue that i got early on
19a a liqueur minus 2 letters gives you the "seeds"

Hopefully you can progress a bit now!
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david w

4th August 2016, 13:24
And even bigger thanks to you xwordfan. At last I understand!
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4th August 2016, 18:15
Thanks from me too!

I was quite proud of myself for making considerable progress with last month's genius, but this one was a step too far! But with these hints, I've at least improved on the one answer I had, and will try harder....
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5th August 2016, 12:36
can anyone help with these please?

17d Change around position in higher education (7) ?A?????

26a Cut in fashion, formal wear a fright (3,7) ??E / W?N?I??

(a possible change of will to won't in here ??)

27a Last of gravy in red sauce (4) ???O
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5th August 2016, 12:56
26A looks like "THE WILLIES"?
Don't get the bit in brackets, Bunty.
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5th August 2016, 12:57
27A MA(Y)O
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5th August 2016, 13:03
the willies is good thanks jolan .... for grid entry some clues have to be changed positive to negative or vice versa .... sometimes not making a real word .... so here the grid entry is the WONTies
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