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1st December 2015, 10:57
I did manage to do all three on my second attempt - -see 4534
4541 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 11:00
Yes, but turning off the italic seems either to have a lower case L or an upper case i - lower case only for the "tags". Hence you wouldn't have turned off the italic - though it's the underline that seems to have escaped!
4542 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 11:02
Actually I've just noticed that you can see the tags in the "In response to" box.

I think it was not having a lower case i that was the (minor) problem.
4543 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 11:08
The Tate Britain (that's the one on Millbank?) had a great restaurant back in the 70s. We only ate there a few times, but I remember being impressed that, when we ordered some nice white wine the waitress removed the generic glasses and replaced them with proper hock glasses.

Tate Modern did good food when we were there last as well, but the atmosphere wasn't as relaxing.

The best example of food far better than required or expected that we came across was at the Eden Project (soon after it opened). The place was heaving, and one would have thought that they would have wanted to get people through as quickly as possible, but the reverse was the case. We had an excellent and relaxed lunch.

Another unexpectedly good place to look out for is the Sala Mascagni at Pisa airport. Unfortunately our last couple of visits haven't corresponded with its (rather restricted) opening times.
4544 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 11:16
Good morning, Elle!
It has been very cold overnight here.
Think we are up to 3C now.
Pavements and roads are treacherous.
Sleet falling on ice!
Coolmax are great socks! I have them too.
Bridgedales last "forever", I have found.
Made in Newtownards, Norn Iron!
Nubucks are the biz!
I am wearing my Craghoppers fleece lined Kiwi trousers.
They are very warm indeed!
Do you not have a local radio station you can get news on?
Or a local radio website?
There are two or three here, but I won't listen to them.
Music and commercials mainly. Not for me.
4545 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 12:03
Can't have made myself clear- the café I went to was at the Houses of Parliament, not Tate Modern. The latter was just to fill in the extra time we'd been landed with, which would have been better spent in the coach to avoid the long, long drag back. 2 and a half hours to Oxford!
4546 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 12:16
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, it is indeed cold in your area! Our temperature was supposedly 12C when going out at 8 o'clock. Four times warmer than yours! If you go out, be careful you don't fall if sleet is falling on ice - it's probably very treacherous underfoot.
Did you see my attempts at using bold, italics and underlining earlier? I disastrously managed to underline the entire page! ( No idea how that happened!)
However, I CAN now do what is required - after a few abysmal efforts!
But let's definitely stick to exclamation marks from now on though - much less hassle!
My cousin just rang from Kirkintilloch. She says they haven't had any snow there as yet. Her grandson goes to Strathclyde University - he is reading Maths and Computer Science. He will be about the same age as Miss La Bamba.
He is enjoying life at Uni!
4547 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 12:23
Hi elle
I can't resist putting my scientist's hat on to correct a common misconception. 12C isn't "four times warmer" than 3C, because you are starting your scale in the wrong place. You need to start at "absolute zero"(-273C) to compare temperatures meaningfully, and thus use the "Kelvin scale of temperature". On this, rusty is at 276K while you are at 285K - nothing like four times warmer!

It's not just semantics. Roughly speaking, if the temperature is increased by a factor of 4, the average energy of the molecules will be 4 times greater, whereas your molecules' average energy is only 1.03 times greater :)
4548 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 14:57
Hello, Elle!
I think my forecast is for temperature to rise to 11C later today, which will be great, and a big rise, so roll on!
Pavements are lethal. I helped a lady who became stranded on a pavement due to ice. She was frightened to take another step in case she went down. I guided her on to rough grass where walking is very much easier. Blooming Winter!
I am with you on exclamation marks, Elle!
Your posts make perfect sense to me the way they are.
I have used up the technological part of my brain getting to grips with DAB radio, and have no intention of learning underlining and squiggly letters!
Kirkintilloch is lucky! They are just a bit South and to the West of me.
When the wind shifts to the West it well get warmer for me.
I have a pal who teaches law at Strathclyde.
I have an idea Santa is going to be very good to Miss La Bamba!
4549 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2015, 18:12
Hi, Rusty!
Hi, Rusty!
We started the afternoon off both feeling very tired and decided not to go out for a walk................
However, guilt set in at being lazy.......and we have been out in the garden this afternoon, planting the remainder of our daffodil bulbs!
The dog had fun 'helping'!
Fortunately, we have a light out in the garden, or we wouldn't have been able to finish the job as it's been dark since fourish.
All done now though..........
Hopefully, it will not be too late in the season..........the instructions did say plant September till December and we are only one day into December!
(I'll let you know what happens in the Spring!)
So why is Father Christmas going to be very good to Miss La Bamba?
( May I guess? Is he going to bring her a car?)
4550 of 30765  -   Report This Post