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26th December 2019, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
As a rule, I prefer to "see" what I am buying - say when picking fruit or vegetables, or cuts of meat - but I guess if one were simply bulk buying, such a toilet rolls, paper towels, sugar, milk and common amenities that do not require a personal choice, then online shopping would be fine.
But my parsimonious soul regrets paying out for delivery, so long as I have the strength to fetch it myself!
I am missing the daily "Eggheads " dosage over the festive period!
30491 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 21:30
Hello, Elle!
It would not suit me.
I go to shop every day, except Sunday.
Perhaps, when I am infirm, I would use the home delivery.
I would be happy to pay for the service, just like paying for other things.
There are hundreds of episodes of Eggheads on YouTube.
I have been reading up on the Tabernacle Choir, and the orchestra.
Where they stand according to their voice and appearance.
How their clothes are made etc.
I found it interesting!
30492 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 22:26
Hi, Rusty!
I guess I am thinking of a home delivery as a loss of independence, whereas of course it is used by many people as simply a convenience.
And yes, you are right, it is probably worth a payment for the service rendered.
And just think of what else one might do in the time taken up by shopping.
I think perhaps as one grows older , one needs to re-evaluate one's priorities.
Take stock of where one is at, and re-think........
Time soon for New Year Resolutions.....
And definitely time now for a coffee!
30493 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 22:51
Hello, Elle!
It is good that home delivery is there if you need it, I think.
And you can choose delivery slots, I understand, so that seems fine.
I agree about priorities as we get older.
I'll leave you to the New Year resolutions.
Not something I've ever done.
And are they ever kept?
30494 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 23:01
Update, Rusty!
I have just finished the crossword...
I did not know that a "tarpaulin" could be a sailor's hat!
Did you know that?
And I cannot do 10d: Trivial American - a bit more then a bit? (6-3-4)
N?C?E?- AND - D?I?E
What am I not seeing here, please?
Now, New Year Resolutions.....
I do not usually make them...but I once (many years ago) made a "life -changing" one....
We had a bully, who made life a misery for some members of staff , at the hospital.
I made a resolution "not to be put upon......" but to always stand up for myself...and for others!
And I try to upkeep this to this day!
30495 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 23:07
Hello, Elle!
Tarpaulin is new to me, too.
Nickel and dime is the other one.
Means trivial, as in a nickel and dime store.
A bit is slang for a US coin, too.
That was a very good resolution.
It is good to see a bully get his just deserts!
30496 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2019, 23:40
Just testing.
Having a lot of bother with reCAPTCHA this evening.
30497 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2019, 08:17
Good morning, Rusty!
I am sorry that I couldn't get back to you last night.....I was unable to get back on the Forum....a screen message told me that the website was "not responding".
And I see that you had trouble with Recaptcha!
Thank you for explaining "nickel and dime".... a totally new expression for me!
It is still dark(ish) as yet this morning....this is the first time it has still been dark at 8 am!
My friend has taken my dog out for me, as I need to phone the doctor very shortly.
The GP's instructions were to phone early this morning to report progress, and see whether my husband needs a further course of antibiotics.
I think the patient is very slowly improving...that is a relief!
But I think another seven days dosage would be a good idea.
Anyway, how are you doing?

30498 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2019, 08:45
Good morning, Elle!
You are ahead of me today.
I had a great sleep and am not long up.
Yes, I do not normally get hassle with reCAPTCHA on my chromebook, but it started just after the Chinese spam.
It's annoying when I am not used to it.
Glad to hear your husband is improving and you will be pleased to tell the GP that.
Now, I am running late, so heading out shortly for my paper!
30499 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2019, 10:10
Hi, Rusty!
My dog is now home again, and cleaned up and dried.
She obviously had a great time out!
I might as well have gone out, too....the doctor wasn't there when I rang.
He isn't coming in until lunchtime!
I am to phone back at 2 pm.
"The best laid plans of mice and men…." etc
I have a few household chores to do, and then I shall sit down with the crossword.
I didn't see any Chinese spam?
30500 of 30765  -   Report This Post