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25th September 2019, 18:56
Hi, Rusty!
I can change the fonts - both type and size - but not back to what it was before the "mishap".
But I don't like the set - up I can then get.
Now I have followed the video clip that you kindly sent....
But I am not allowed to click on the 'Restore font to default settings' part....
I do not know why?
I can manage with the situation as it is, for now - it's a good job that I am able to read very small print!
What do you think of my trying "System Restore"?
If I can take it back a day or two?
I think it perhaps worth a try?
But that usually takes a long time.....and puts my computer out of action for an hour or so...
So I shall leave that till I am no longer wanting to use the computer, and do it at bedtime.
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25th September 2019, 19:23
Hello, Elle!
I think your idea of System Restore is well worth a try.
I'd forgotten about System Restore!
It is a few years since I had a computer with that facility on it, but I do remember using System Restore and it worked perfectly.
Your idea of doing it at bedtime makes sound sense, too.
It's odd that you can't "restore fonts", but I have no experience of that.
(My Chromebook setup is completely different to Windows etc.)
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25th September 2019, 20:11
Hi, Rusty!
Well, we'll see that happens overnight with System Restore.......I'll set the process in motion before I go to bed.
At the moment, we are waiting for our mechanic friend to deliver the car back to us.
Hopefully, there was not much wrong with it.
He should be here fairly soon, all being well.
It is beginning to feel quite chilly...I think I shall put the heating on!
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26th September 2019, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
Another wet morning here !
Mild though.....
My use of "System Restore" late last night, worked a treat!
All back to normal now!
I can only suppose that I must have done something when I cleaned the keyboard.
It seems too much of a coincidence to have happened otherwise, doesn't it?
No particular plans for today....
How about you?
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26th September 2019, 10:43
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here.
Blue skies and fluffy white clouds!
Good old System Restore!
Yes, you must have knocked it wonky when you cleaned it.
I am staying home today, I think.
I'll watch a bit of the World's in the afternoon, and maybe read a chapter of my book.
A canny day ahead!
29295 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2019, 11:25
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, System Restore usually works well, but it does take a long time.
I started it up about 10. 15pm after our friend had left (the car was fine!) and it did not finish until around midnight!
I was relieved at the end of all that time to find that it had indeed worked!
The moral here is ...don't clean the keyboard!
Your plan for the day sounds good.
What book are you reading?
I have just started "A Possible Life" by Sebastian Faulks.
I have another book of his - "Paris Echo" lined up next.
Still raining......
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26th September 2019, 11:57
Hello, Elle!
Still a fine day here.
I had an idea System Restore would take but a few minutes!
Anyways, it worked, and that's what matters.
A wee paint brush would be the thing for cleaning your keyboard?
My book is an old favourite.
"Tales of Para Handy" by Neil Munro.
It's short humorous stories about a Clyde puffer, the "Vital Spark", skippered by Para Handy, and about the crew, and the shenanigans they get up to, as they sail around the West Coast and the Isles.
I first came across Para Handy many years ago, and "Tales" has had a prominent place in my bookcase ever since!
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26th September 2019, 13:34
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We have a feeble sun showing his face...but it still keeps raining on and off throughout!
Yes, I did use a small brush - part of a special kit for cleaning computer equipment - to clean the keyboard...but I also turned the keyboard upside down, and smacked it smartly to get out the worst of the accumulated dirt ...and then brushed it with great enthusiasm perhaps rather too vigorously!
Daughter has just pointed out that it might have been advisable were I to have disconnected the keyboard from the computer first.....or simply switched off the computer.
I 'm afraid I didn't think of that!
Ah yes, I remember your telling me about Para Handy and his being an old favourite of yours!
I quite often re-read a favourite book...... which is why I find it so hard to "get rid" of my large number of books!
But remember the Church roof...I did well there!
I am considering taking the dog for a walk if I can find a suitable "dry" window........
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26th September 2019, 14:15
Hello, Elle!
Had a heavy shower here, too.
A lot of rain in Yorkshire for the cycling, too.
Your daughter is wise!
I would not have thought of turning the computer off, too.
I turn my Chromebook upside down and give it a shake now and then, that's all.
I find Para Handy very funny, especially as the tales were written over a hundred years ago.
So, I have an eye on the cycling, reading Para, with a coffee and a Melton Mowbray pork pie, and Sissel singing in the background!
Not too bad!
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26th September 2019, 16:41
Hi, Rusty!
Home again now!
The rain held off, and I had a pleasant walk.
I timed it well.
I, too, like Melton Mowbray pork pies.......they beat the supermarkets' own brands any day!
I am home for the rest of the day now.....
I need to turn my attention to the remaining four clues of my crossword.
I am stuck on 11a; 21a; 25a and 19d.
I'm not holding out much hope of solving them!
How is the cycling going?
I expect your son will be visiting you this evening?
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