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26th July 2018, 10:06
Good Morning, Rusty!
It just gets hotter and hotter here!
A not so pleasant walk this morning in the humidity!
But we are now forecast thunderstorms and rain for about ten hours, starting at 1am Friday morning!!
Will it really happen?
We shall have to wait with bated breath......
But for now, I am doing as little as possible!
My computer seems to be functioning normally again this morning....
I won't tempt providence though......I shall add "as yet" to the sentence!
We have the boiler service this morning.......and a delivery at some point......
In the meantime, I shall see what inroads I can make on today's crossword!

Hello, Ros!
Thank you for the information about the Aral was new to me!
22131 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 11:17
Hello, Elle!
Fine breeze here, but still hot!
Hopefully your computer is fine now!
Today's puzzle is a belter!
I found it tough! I prefer it that way.
Was in and out of Chambers quite a bit for assistance.
New words to me, were, 9a, 3d, 26a (though I knew the football team from that city, which helped) and 15d.
Favourite clue was 14a!
I have a letter to post then home for the day.
Seniors golf from St Andrews, and Le Tour to watch, and in the evening, the Canadian Open Golf Championship.
A canny day!
22132 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 12:35
Hi, Rusty! is over 30C here........and presumably still on the up........
No "air" at all!
My daughter has just phoned......they are feeling better and are on their way to Clacton -on -Sea.....
The wedding is not until Saturday, so they will have a bit of recuperation time before the big day!
We are in charge of the cat whilst they are away, so will need to go visit him at some point.
This crossword is indeed a stickler.......
Well done on finishing it!
I have done all that I can.......
I still have about nine clues that I cannot solve!
I liked Bader; feat; smart drug; dinner lady; and carpe diem.
I got "Cinderella" in 20a but couldn't parse it?
The puzzle is totally beyond my limited capabilities today!
I am ceding defeat!
You have a busy day of Sport ahead....
What news of Pete Sagan?
Is he fit to race?
22133 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 12:51
Hello, Elle!
30C is very hot!
Best stay home?
That's good the family is on the mend!
I am not surprised you are struggling, Elle, with the puzzle.
It is a toughie!
Now "Cinderella"!
To me it looks like the whole clue is the definition.
Did not she try on a shoe to prove the glass slipper was hers, or something like that?
I have long forgotten the tale!
In 9a, you need a "binary star".
I had not heard of a binary star, but Chambers has!
I think Sagan is riding.
He Tweeted two hours ago, "The Tour is not over, Four stages to go!"
Which suggests he rides on.
Today's finish is made for Sagan if he was at his best.
22134 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 13:56
Hi, Rusty!
We are set to reach 34 C by mid afternoon, Rusty!
Do you wonder I am finding it unbearable?
No, I shall not be going out again, other than to post a birthday card that I have forgotten!
It seems ironical that the BG engineer has just been to service our boiler.....
The concept of needing central -heating seems very remote right now!
All is problems!
So we are all set for the Winter....I could wish it be here soon!!!!
Yes, of course, you are right about Cinderella...... "footie match" of course!
A good clue had I the brains to see it!
That sounds positive feedback from Sagan!
I think it's ice cream time!
Mackies are doing well out of us!
22135 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 14:25
Hello, Elle!
34C is very hot, Elle.
Beginning to wonder if there is any point in the ospreys migrating to Africa this year.
It will be warmer at Dunkeld, and no crocodiles to look out for!
I am looking in and out of Le Tour and the golf.
Having a quiet day!
22136 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 16:01
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, indeed......for someone like me, who finds anything above 20 - 22C too hot, this is horrendous!
My friend returns home from her holiday home in Majorca this coming Saturday......she will find it several degrees hotter here!
I have been looking in on the ospreys....... one of the chicks is in the nest, loudly calling....presumably for dad to come and feed him?
The blog says that the chicks are now attempting to catch fish themselves from a branch about five foot above the water.
They are not yet deep diving.
They do return to the nest in order to be fed they find perching on a branch too precarious a position in which to deal with a fish!
I had been wondering about that!
It is expected that Lassie will leave soon...but Laddie will remain on food duty for some time yet.
Is your son coming visiting you today?
That will be good.......
22137 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 16:22
Hello, Elle.
Yes, it's too hot.
I blame Trump.
Yes, Lassie will go first, her job will be over.
Then the chicks, and finally Laddie.
I think my son will visit but I have not heard from him.
I doubt he will go fishing.
Sunny weather is poor for salmon fishing.
I see Sagan in the peloton.
He is well bandaged!
It looks as if it will be a bunch sprint and will the bold Peter take part, I wonder?
I'd say he will!
22138 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 18:06
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds as though the cycling is going well?
And for Pete Sagan, too?
Is he still managing to keep going?
My daughter has phoned to say they had arrived at the hotel safely!
The plan is to spend a day enjoying the pleasures of the sea-side with the children, tomorrow, before facing the formalities of the wedding on Saturday!
It sounds like a good plan!
I expect your son has arrived by now? or sometime soon?
Have a good natter!
I am away to watch "Eggheads"!
22139 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th July 2018, 20:17
Good evening, Elle!
Sagan contested the sprint and came eighth.
He was well bandaged up.
Last day in the mountains tomorrow.
Should be exciting racing!
My son has just gone home.
They are going to Holland tomorrow.
I am going to Pine Cone with Miss O tomorrow and she is in charge of me until my son comes home!
I shall do my bestest to behave!
22140 of 30765  -   Report This Post