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21st July 2018, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
I don't think many will be rushing to the barber in Carnoustie for a trim!
Anyway, Jordan is joint leader in the tournament and could well win it.
He is a favourite of mine.
A fine young man.
I wonder what, Annie, his girlfriend, thinks of the trim!
I shall look out for "The Voice Kids" tomorrow morning.
Yes, Donegal played well and they were worthy winners.
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22nd July 2018, 07:13
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Now, I have looked at "The Voice Kids" on YouTube.
I liked the little lad, Shaney Lee, who sang "Country Roads".
(I am not sure if he was in the final, though?)
But the rest were not for me.
I suppose I was hoping for another "Amira".
I can see why they are popular though, with the songs they sang, but I am not at all keen on pop music.
But, I tried it!
I am looking forward to the golf today.
I'll be looking to see if anyone else has visited Jordan's barber!
22082 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 09:40
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
Yes , a lovely day here , too, fresh as yet, but it is all set for a "scorcher"!
I was hit by a blast of adverts this morning, when I switched on my computer!
Not only were they flashing at me all over the place but yelling at me most rudely too!
Goodness knows what happened to my Adblock!
Anyway, I've downloaded another freebie and all is calm again .......
Now, "The Voice Kids"....the song genre is different all the time for the individual children.
Yes, I can appreciate that you might not like some song choices ......
But did you not like the young Russian boy, singing opera?
I thought he had a wonderful voice?
This is Daniel Davies, this series winner......
I should think Jordan has put that barber out of business!!
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22nd July 2018, 09:47
Update, Rusty!
Here is the Russian boy, Yaroslav, singing...……
I hope this works!
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22nd July 2018, 10:07
Hello, Elle!
Getting warm here, too.
Maybe your Adblock crashed?
I do not use Adblock anymore.
I uninstalled it when I switched from Chrome to Brave browser, which blocks ads anyway.
No, I did not like the Russian, and Daniel is not a "proper" singer, in my opinion.
I do not like the format of the show at all.
Far too many intrusions from backing singers and dancers and judges.
Far too "poppy" for me.
Now, in fairness to Jordan, he only responded to the questions put by the press.
Maybe he should adopt my tactic and cut his own hair!
22085 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 10:36
Hi, Rusty!
The format of the show varies with each begins with the judges listening to simply the "voice" as they sit in a revolving chair with their backs turned to the contestant.
If they like the singer, then they "buzz" and turn to face him/ her.
And so it evolves from there.......
I like the initial stages by far the best...but it is interesting and often rewarding to see how the child/ adult develops as the show progresses.
I remember you liked Ruti Olajugbagbe, the last winner of the adult show, so obviously it is not all bad!
But hey, wouldn't life be dull if we all liked the same thing?
Variety is the spice of life!
More Athletics in a few hours........
Meanwhile there is the Everyman to look at........
(Incidentally, when did you last cut your hair?)
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22nd July 2018, 16:57
Hi, Rusty!
We had a very welcome family visit earlier, so a much busier day than we were originally expecting!
I have managed though to see a little of the second day of the Muller Anniversary Games.
It was disappointing for Laura Muir that she didn't manage on this attempt to break Zola Budd's British mile record, but Laura was obviously somewhat tired today.
There will be other opportunities for her.
Greg Rutherford was there to say a farewell in person to all his supporters.
This was his last time competing at the London Stadium, as he is retiring from long -jumping.
He will compete once more - in Birmingham - but after that he is looking into a career in cycling.
Cycling is a sport in which he is interested and which will put less stress on his ankle.
So we may see him again in different venue!
How has your own day been?
Did you manage to see any of the Athletics?
Or have you been concentrating on the golf?
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22nd July 2018, 20:01
Today something happened to me today that many family historians might hope will happen to them. I seem to be descended from Edward 1V, via one of his many mistresses whose daughter married one of the Barons Lumley. Having read plenty about Ed 1V, not sure if pleased to be descended from him or not!
The king's daughter has a first name (Elizabeth, now there's a surprise; 20% of girls called that at the time), but what her mother was called (other than Edward 1V's mistress!) seems to be a matter for discussion.
Exciting times
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22nd July 2018, 21:13
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I understand what you mean about "The Voice" but it is a bit gimmicky for my taste and most of the singing is pretty average, I think.
My hair was cut last week.
Usually do two trims a year, or three at most.
No athletics for me today.
I had the golf on all day and had a brief look at Le Tour but nothing exciting going on.
Pyrenees on Tuesday!
Apparently they have imported some bears from Slovenia to improve the breeding stock.
22089 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd July 2018, 10:27
Good morning, Rusty!
Whew! My goodness , it is hot here!
28C at 8am!!
I have just staggered home from my walk.
According to our local forecast, we can expect this for at least another two weeks........!
Nice and cool indoors though, thanks to all our high-powered fans.
When does your family come up to London?
I hope they will have a nice time....river trips might sound a pleasurable option!
Hampton Court in one direction ..... and Greenwich , and various museums in the other, not to mention seeing the Thames Barrier.
You have the Pyrenees today , don't you, on the cycling tour...... with maybe a bear or two...?

Hello, Ros!
I was reading the other day that all this latest trend of DNA testing (home kits) to find out one's ancestry is unearthing all sorts of link with Royalty!
How are you coping with the heat up your way?
Far too hot for comfort here!
22090 of 30765  -   Report This Post