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2nd June 2018, 12:36
Hi, Rusty!
I have done my household jobs...and finished my crossword.....
So a good morning's achievement!
(Well... I have three clues yet to parse...but otherwise, all done!)
I am not happy with "Offa" sounding like "offer" though!
Have you done your puzzle?
Happy Birthday to Miss O !
Her bottle of Champagne will come in very handy!
Dual purpose!
I hope they enjoy their meal out.
21281 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 12:51
Hello, Elle!
I did not like Offa/offer too, nor did I know Offa was a king!
I finished my puzzle earlier and I think it is all parsed correctly, though I struggled for a while with "sisterly", but nailed it eventually!
I like clues that make you think.
I am out of touch with Miss O this last day or so.
She lost her 'phone and has joined another supplier but they have made a muck of transferring her number over, so patience is required.
I do not think the Champagne will be opened.
They are all pretty much tee-total.
21282 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 14:39
Hi, Rusty!
Offa was King of Mercia, an Anglo Saxon kingdom.
I have come across him before in crossword clues.
26a: answer "sisterly", is one of the clues that I still cannot parse.
I may yet have to ask for brain seems to have seized up!
However, first, I am going to take your advice and put it all to one side for now.........
It is a glorious afternoon, and it is a pity to waste this lovely sunshine......
I am going out for a walk round the Nature Reserve.
Light may shine, on my return!
21283 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 14:48
Hello, Elle!
A walk sounds a good idea!
"Sisterly" took me a wee while to parse, but it is relatively straightforward.
Needs broken down in two distinct parts.
Just saw Victoria Pendleton at Epsom.
She must be back from Everest now.
Miss O and family were at an Indian restaurant for their lunch.
Her 'phone is still not connected to O2.
Goodness knows why it is taking so long!
21284 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 17:19
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
It is a tad too warm for walking, but we survived!
No, I cannot see how "sisterly" parses?
Nor either of the other two clues....
11a: armature = part of motor (def)
and 3d: significant = important (def)
I can go no further with any of these.......
I must be missing something obvious?
I shall give in and ask for help, please?
An Indian restaurant for lunch sounds good!
I love Indian food!
I think, though, that we are heading to Pizza Express tomorrow........
The grandchildren were allowed to choose!
21285 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 17:46
Hello, Elle!
"sisterly" is, "ship at intervals is "si", odd letters.
Keep "we" out out of "(we)sterly wind, and you have "sisterly.
3d, Tell your deputy, regarding the outgoing mail, to "sign if I can't",
"armature" is fully formed/"mature", after lead free vehicle "(c)ar".
The last time (many years ago) I was at an Indian restaurant, I had a mushroom omelette, and it was very nice!
21286 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 18:43
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you!
I understand now! I would never have got "sisterly " though.
I like "sign if I can't" - very good!
I might have stood a chance with "armature," had I realised that "lead -free" meant removal of the "c" from "car".....
I was thinking "pb" - the chemical symbol for "lead"...…..
I was way off track!
A mushroom omelette in an Indian restaurant?
Do you not like Indian food, Rusty?
I have had stuffed peppers for dinner!
Not Indian......but very hot and spicy!
21287 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 18:54
Hello, Elle!
"Sisterly" took me a while to nail, though!
I have seen "sign if I can't" before in puzzles.
A good one.
"Lead free" was a good misdirection by our setter!
He/she set a good puzzle today!
I do not know Indian food, Elle!
Hence my omelette!
I would never have been in the restaurant in the first place, but it was our works Christmas night out and someone suggested the Indian restaurant.
I do not like being hungry, but that apart, I have little interest in food.
Very happy with a bacon roll!
21288 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 19:34
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, sometimes one can see a solution straight away, and at other times one struggles.
It took me a while to see the anagram for "rag- and- bone man".
You could be missing out on a lot, not trying out a selection of cuisines from different countries?
You never may find you enjoy "something different," if you would but try it?
I don't have a very big appetite - well, there isn't very much of me! - but I do enjoy trying different recipes- especially when dining out.......and I love spicy food!
Mind you, I enjoy a bacon roll, too!
Lovely evening here!
21289 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2018, 20:15
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I know I am odd.
Most folk like going to different restaurants to eat foreign food.
But not me.
Happy with a bag of chips!
My son has just gone home.
I am glad he came to see me.
21290 of 30765  -   Report This Post