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22nd November 2017, 16:41
Hello, Elle!
Now, I could be mistaken but I think I may have seen "caparison" in a WW1 poem, but on thinking about it, it was probably "orison".
I do know a bit about horses, Elle!
I am presuming Paris was the Greek lad?
I knew the word "davenport" (not Lindsay!) but would not know what it was.
It is good to get unusual words in a puzzle, I think.
My rain is still landing, and there is snow forecast for tomorrow.
I am hoping we are not high enough to get some.
Did you read up on the donkeys?
17361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 17:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Paris appeared in a lot of Greek legends.
He was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy
He eloped with Helen, Queen of Sparta, and this was a major cause of the Trojan War.
It was he who fatally wounded Achilles in the heel with an arrow!
Yes, I read up about the donkeys...some lovely stories.
It would appear that the cross on the donkey's back was there long before Jesus rode into Jerusalem?
But I like to think that the donkey's cross was symbolic.
It seems right, somehow.
I hope you do not get the snow!
It is pretty when falling, and fine when fresh on the ground, but the icy aftermath is so dangerous underfoot!
After cracking my head last time we had snow, I shall "hibernate" at the first sight of a snowflake!
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22nd November 2017, 17:31
Hello, Elle!
You certainly know your old Greeks!
Would the French city be named after Paris, d'you think?
Yes, I think the donkey's cross has been there for ever.
Great tales though. I like donkeys!
We "may" get snow but it will be the high ground that gets it worst.
I am almost at sea level, or just a bit higher.
I spotted a gritter earlier, so something is coming!
I'd best check the forecast!
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22nd November 2017, 19:05
Hi, Rusty!
I rather think that the city of Paris was named after its founders , a Celtic people called the Parisii?
Apart from this isolated fact ( a lot of my knowledge is like this), I know nothing else!
Oh, except that there was a similarly sounding tribe called the Parisi in East Yorkshire?
I don't know if there is any connection between the two?
These are just two fragments of information that have surfaced from somewhere!
(If no one comes forward to correct me or fill me in on this...I shall have to do some reading up!)
But right now, I am going to have dinner.......Spaghetti Bolognese.
You are doing well to have a gritter on site!
I do not recall ever seeing one around here!
Yes, best check on your forecast!
17364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 20:53
Hello, Elle!
"a Celtic people called the Parisii?"
I am watching the football and Paris St Germain are playing Celtic!
How's that for co-incidence!
My forecast says cold, rain, and snow, but the wind has dropped.
It is three degrees outside.
I have not had Spaghetti Bolognese.
I hear it is good, though.
17365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 22:30
Hey, Rusty!
That is certainly a somewhat "spooky" coincidence!
Who won?
Oh dear......your forecast does not sound great!
We are supposedly set for a lot of heavy rain here ....and then the temperature will drop severely again.
But hey...who may never happen.......let's look on the bright side.
I have nearly finished my book.......
Did you find any books to order on Amazon?
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22nd November 2017, 22:41
Hello, Elle!
PSG won, most emphatically!
I think it is colder now.
Just hoping I do not wake up to snow!
I had a look on Amazon but the book I am interested in (a biography of Megan Boyd) is a bit dear just now, so I will look for something else.
I always get me some books for Christmas, too.
I got next year's diary on Amazon though, and have been filling up the phone numbers and addresses etc.
17367 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 22:44
Good evening Elle & Rusty,

I have just double checked on google, just for the spelling really

The romans named the city Lutetia Parisiorum, the french
French word for this being simply Lutece. Then it became Paris.

But you are right on one point, it was the Parisii who lived in
Lutece (Civitas Parisiorum) in the III century who gave the name
to the city.
There seems to be some disagreement between
Lutetia Parisiorum and Civitas Parisiorum, and it is too late at
night for me to look further into it!

There might be snow around us sometime soon, but not here as such.
17368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 22:48
Hello, Pigale!
All this history of Paris is new to me!
It is interesting, though!
We have been forecast snow for tomorrow.
It is certainly cold enough!
It's the black ice I dread.
Lethal stuff!
17369 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2017, 23:09
Hi, Rusty!
Do you have any snow boots?
(as opposed simply to wellies?)
I find they grip the snow/ icy ground better?
But I am sure you will be well equipped, as you must be well used to extreme weather conditions.
Now I do know of Megan Boyd!
You have mentioned her before , when talking of your son and salmon flies!
She is a World famous fly tier/ do you spell it?
I don't use a diary, but I have already bought next year's Wall Calendar ready for action!
I should be lost without it!

Hello, Pigale !
Thank you for the info... that is very interesting.
And I am glad I was right about the Parisii!
(I have a lot of weird facts jumbled up in my head!)
17370 of 30765  -   Report This Post