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4th June 2017, 13:08
Hello, Elle!
It is very worrying for everyone.
Where will the next attack be, as you say?
No Roland Garros for me today, I have a bike race to watch in France.
But first I am taking myself off for a walk!
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4th June 2017, 14:56
Hi, Rusty!
I hope that you enjoyed your walk?
And that the cycling is going well?
I am abandoning the tennis for the countryside!
We are just out for a walk....taking good advantage of the fact that today is very much cooler and fresher to get some worthwhile exercise both for the dog - and for ourselves!!
Back in a bit.......
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4th June 2017, 15:42
Hello, Elle.
Yes, all going well here.
Cycling was good.
It is quite warm here!

Hello, Pigale,
I found the video of Amira in the final of HGT.
She is just incredible!
What a wonderful voice!
And was only nine years old.
I hope she goes on to a have a good career.
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4th June 2017, 17:15
Hello Rusty,

I am glad you found and listened to HGT final.
Yes, I have become addicted to this little one, and she is
just so very sweet - I did see a clip when she is singing
and her brother is playing the violin next to her - was
quite good but I don't remember where it was.

It looks like she has already started her career - she too
sang with Andre Rieu, and also O Solo Mio in a duo
with an adult tenor - and even though he has a
powerful voice, you could still hear hers, clear and
powerful too.

I shall watch some cycling when they get to the Alps.
Have you got a favourite cyclist in this race?
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4th June 2017, 17:32
Hello, Pigale!
I saw her sing O Sole Mio with a young Italian tenor, but I have forgotten his name.
Yes, I watched her with Andre Rieu and she was brilliant.
I can quite understand you becoming addicted to her!
I am a fan, now, too!
I have no favourite in the race but I like Contador.
I am looking forward to the Alpine stages.
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4th June 2017, 18:56
Good evening, Rusty!
I have just come indoors - surprisingly it is turning quite chilly out!
I think, though, that this is simply by contrast to the previous humidity that we were experiencing.
I am not complaining is very pleasant..........all we need now is some rain!
I have finished John McEnroe's autobiography - he has been surprisingly frank about what he considers are his shortcomings.
I have enjoyed the book - he is a sports personality that these days I particularly admire.
I should love to meet him!
Speaking of him reminds me....
Another week of Roland Garros....... and then Wimbledon fortnight coming soon!
You never did say what Miss O'H thought about her seven foot photography experience?
When are you going to see it?
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4th June 2017, 19:22
Hello, Elle!
I always liked John McEnroe.
He seems a decent lad.
I am sure the book is good.
A fine change from Miss Peckwitt!
Young Miss O'Hara is very excited about being "on display"!
"Dead chuffed", as we say up here. (Do you have that phrase?)
Her and Mum are going down to the Waterfront to see it after school tomorrow.
I have several photos of it.
First ones were sent from Belfast, would you believe!
My friend over there follows my son on FaceBook and sent them when she saw them posted.
My son was several minutes later sending them to me!
I shall wait until one of the young ones offers me a lift to see it.
I have had other things on my mind lately, but they should be resolved later this week.
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4th June 2017, 19:36
Good evening, Pigale!
I have been searching YouTube and have found the clip I mentioned.
Amira sings "O Sole Mio" with Patrizio Buanne, a young Italian tenor.
It was at a concert in South Africa.
It was absolutely wonderful!
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4th June 2017, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
I have just finished talking to my cousin.
We have been chatting for the past hour.
All is well up there.
Yes, we also have the expression "dead chuffed" meaning "very pleased; delighted".
"Chuffed to bits" is another expression of similar meaning.
I have just looked both up in Brewers though...and strangely, neither is there?
Where are the photographs for the exhibition situated?
If it is an outdoor exhibition on the Waterfront, how are the pictures protected from the elements?
Surely, rain would damage them?
Hopefully, one of your grandkids will soon offer to take you to see the photo of Miss O'Hara!
(or you could use your "new" bus pass........I 'll bet you still haven't used that since you got it!)
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4th June 2017, 21:29
Hello, Elle!
"Chuffed" is in Chambers, meaning very happy.
I am trying to visualise where the photos are, but....
the Waterfront development has been going on for years and is costing £1 billion to regenerate the Waterfront.
The Road Bridge entry and exit routes have been moved several times as the work goes on.
Anyway around the perimeter is a large partition to keep folk away while the work goes on. The photos are on the partition.
The V & A building is there, too.
Plenty of info and pics on Google if you are interested.
"Dundee Waterfront development"
One of the young ones will take me, because all the roads etc are changed, disappeared, new ones created etc.
I honestly would get lost!
It is an enormous change to the Waterfront.
New museums, hotels, railway stations, etc etc.
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