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30th January 2017, 21:37
Hello, Elle!
Must be an old one if Daphne is in it.
I liked Daphne!!
I have not saw the pup for a while.
The cat ignores her!
So, that is the way it is
AnswerBank has been revamped.
I cannot say it appeals to me.
But I am a fogey.
Not quite so cold this night, here.
12041 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2017, 22:03
Hey Rusty!
I have just had a quick shiftie at AnswerBank.
This is new to me.... I have never had cause to use it or even visit the site.
But I am not impressed......
If this is an 'improvement' /update on what was there before........I am wondering whatever hotchpotch state it was in previously?
I cannot see what appeal it offers?
( No doubt I shall be shouted down in outrage by keen followers!)
But I shall steer clear!
We are lucky with our own forum here that everyone is friendly and helpful - and we have Norah on hand to look after us!
Very mild here too, but still wet! and tomorrow does not look to be any better!
I am going to have my hair always rains when I am going to the hairdressers!
12042 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2017, 22:09
Hello, Elle!
It does not look great, I do not think.
But in fairness to the contributors, many are very friendly indeed and appear to have known each other for years.
So the site is very appealing to many.
I like the News and Technology sections, and Motoring.
Often learn something there.
Yes, this is a very good forum and Norah is super!
I think I am to get rain tomorrow!
You appear to get a lot of haircuts?
12043 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2017, 22:34
Hi, Rusty!
I shall bow to your foreknowledge about Answerbank and try not to be judgemental!
After all, I have only had a quick look!
I probably should not be offering an opinion!
I didn't see any Technology or Motoring sections?
But then it didn't seem an easy site to negotiate?
And I'm not very technically minded!
As long as its contributors are happy with it, I guess it will fit the bill.......
Re my hair...!
It grows very quickly, so I get it trimmed once a month!
I like to keep it shoulder length so I just have about half an inch to an inch off each time!
(And speaking of haircuts........when did you last get yours cut?)
12044 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2017, 23:07
Hello, Elle!
There are numerous sections on AnswerBank.
You click on the top right hamburger, I think it is called, in techie language, and there is a dropdown menu.
Something for everyone.
You may like Art & Literature, Home and Garden, Shopping, Animals, Music, How it Works, News, Sports, or Chat?
That is a small sample..
And the Crossword section is very popular.
It gets many more hits than this forum.
I can not remember my last haircut.
It is getting a bit long, right enough.
I may wait until Spring, though.
12045 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2017, 09:37
Good morning, Rusty!
We have another damp morning here - a light drizzle whilst out walking.
Mildish though.
Very dirty dog!
How is it in your neck of the woods?
Any warmer?
I took another look at the AnswerBank, just out of interest to see what is going on, but I shall give it a miss!
It has no appeal for me at all.
Right........ a cup of coffee , then I must be away to get my hair trimmed.......
Talk later!
12046 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2017, 09:58
I like this forum equally as much as AB, but the new update there will take a bit of getting used to. A fair number of contributors on this forum are also on AB and, as Rusty has said, some are 'real' (not virtual ) friends, including some of mine. It is like a small village where everyone helps others with their problems and that is good. I don't contribute much, except when a friend wants a petition signed !
Long may Norah and Ash's forum continue to please us.
12047 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2017, 10:47
Good morning, Elle!
Happy haircut!
Overcast here, but a wee bit warmer (or less cold, anyway).
At least the roads and pavements are ice and frost free today.
Yes, you are best avoiding AB if it is not your taste.
You are well ensconsed here; me too.
I did not know sconse was a word?

Good morning, Jazzgirl!
I prefer this forum but AB is good too.
That is an excellent description of yours (like a small village!).
Sums it up very nicely.
It is well named, I think.
Vast majority of queries are answered, and there is something for everyone, I think.
Norah and Ash are first class, and mostly this is a happy ship they command.
Long may that continue.
Hope they do not mind me bringing up AB!
12048 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2017, 11:00
I've asked a couple of obscure questions on AnswerBank and had very helpful answers back almost immediately. It's a very useful resource.
12049 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st January 2017, 13:22
Hi, Rusty!
Still wet here....
Just got home again......
I have had an inch cut from my hair!
And for at least a couple of days ( until I wash my hair again!) I am now sporting "straight" hair!
My hairdresser manages to straighten my unruly locks, which is more than I can do myself successfully!
(No matter what I do, my hair curls!)
Have you done the crossword?
I never got around to completing yesterday's - although belatedly I did do "orthodox", which I think is what you and Malone must have been discussing?
Anything "strange or startling" in today's puzzle?
I shall take a look after lunch.
I always thought a "sconce" (not sure about the spelling) was a candlestick?
12050 of 30765  -   Report This Post