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2nd August 2014, 11:29
puzzled by 2d, thought it might be thorn
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2nd August 2014, 11:31
It is, gaperon. "THORN" is the name of the character "Y" as used in "Ye Olde Tea Shoppe" for instance. It is pronounced "th", NOT "y"!
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2nd August 2014, 11:45
in that case, what is 9a please? ?e?o
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2nd August 2014, 11:45
Ah, thanks. So my 9a was wrong. I had 'REED' ('red' about 'e') which would have fit into the first group (according to Google).
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2nd August 2014, 11:49
9a is my last as well. No word seems to make any sense; HERO looks favourite, but I can't explain it.

Have you any idea what links the second set mentioned in the instructions? I have 15a and 20d without definitions, and also possibly 9a, but I can't see another,
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2nd August 2014, 11:52
I don't have 9a or 15a yet (I have _M_W) but agree that, apart from those and 20d, I can't see a fourth without a definition.
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2nd August 2014, 11:56
I don't think 23d has a definition. Do letters 2 and 4 of the solution occur in the reverse order of how they appear in the alphabet? If so, how does the answer fit with 20d in a group?
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2nd August 2014, 11:58
if 15a is SMEW (a duck) then 9a could be ZERO (also a kind of duck).
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2nd August 2014, 12:09
A-ha, yes, they're all synonyms of that 4 letter word. Thank you.
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2nd August 2014, 12:10
9A ER (Queen) inside ZO (a crossbreed of cow & yak)
A duck in cricket is zero. So zero could be right.
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