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15th July 2014, 09:43
hi livs teenie pendrag et al.
haven't spent too much time on this, but have solved about 40%, including two switch pairs.mainly NW corner.(for the record, my nickname when I was young was "dizzy" so no prob.)
trying to find quote with early use of Z. any help much appreciated
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19th July 2014, 19:50
if you are still stuck dizoz , your "Z" is the 1st letter of the 2nd word of the quote which is split 1,5,4,3,6,3,5. The person is hidden in the grid horizontally near the bottom
62 of 64  -   Report This Post


20th July 2014, 00:46
many thanks ,sudokulover.
appreciate your guidance.
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20th July 2014, 08:53
I see that the incorrect word length splits have now been corrected on the guardian website
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