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30th June 2014, 18:17
First time doing a Quiptic crossword- managed it fairly easily all bar one clue.
18D: Most significant Chinese leader beheaded criminal set for release.
? H ? E ? E ? T
The answer (using the 'cheat' button) is 'chiefest'.
Is there such a word?! Surely 'chief' is in itself a superlative? eg "the chief one" ? You would never say the "chiefest".
Any comments, on this?Aalso, cannot see how this answer is derived from the clue?

And two more whose answers I've got, but cannot parse.
15 A: Setter's getting rent, so order soup. The answer is 'minestrone', but (apart from the fact that it's a soup) I don't know why?
26A: Market place by river. Answer is Amazon (def: river) Please can you parse it?
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30th June 2014, 18:21
Hi again elle
Well done on finishing Rufus (if you didn't see my post on your earlier thread.

CHIEFEST - C(hinese) "leader", then (t)HIEF - beheaded criminal, then "set" anagram (release is an unusual indicator)
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30th June 2014, 18:26
I would never have got that , Chris although I can see it now you've told me! but even so, surely there is no such word as 'chiefest'?

Chief, chiefer , chiefest? ......... never !

'Chief' itself is a superlative term.
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30th June 2014, 18:28
26, Amazon is an online market place, and a mighty river.
15, Setters, he means belonging to himself, Elle, therefore, "mine".
And anagram of "rent so"
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30th June 2014, 18:29
I think it's OK. Consider the meeting of the pirate captains in "Pirates of the Caribbean". Which is the "chiefest chief"?
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30th June 2014, 18:30
Chiefest is in my bible, Chambers!
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30th June 2014, 18:34
I'm not convinced that it is grammatically correct. You would say the 'chief' one - meaning the main one or the head one.
I've googled it and yes, you can get a definition up online, but I've yet to find it in a reputable dictionary!and I bet it isn't in any English grammar textbook!!!!!!
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30th June 2014, 18:37
It's also in Chambers 12th as a superlative
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30th June 2014, 18:37
Oh dear! well I still think it isn't 'correct' grammar, Rusty!! I certainly shan't be using it in my daily speech or writing!
Thanks too for parsing those other clues for me - I thought they were very difficult.
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30th June 2014, 18:38
I may have to give in, Jazzgirl , but not gracefully!
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