First time doing a Quiptic crossword- managed it fairly easily all bar one clue.
18D: Most significant Chinese leader beheaded criminal set for release.
? H ? E ? E ? T
The answer (using the 'cheat' button) is 'chiefest'.
Is there such a word?! Surely 'chief' is in itself a superlative? eg "the chief one" ? You would never say the "chiefest".
Any comments, on this?Aalso, cannot see how this answer is derived from the clue?
And two more whose answers I've got, but cannot parse.
15 A: Setter's getting rent, so order soup. The answer is 'minestrone', but (apart from the fact that it's a soup) I don't know why?
26A: Market place by river. Answer is Amazon (def: river) Please can you parse it?