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25th July 2011, 18:22
Wendy - i think that just for Logging-in it might have become case sensitive (it wasn't before, and i might be wrong).
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25th July 2011, 19:42
Hi, Joker, from several posts ago. If we join with the MPs, would we have to go into a three way coalition? If so, can I sit in the middle - a plum between the prunes.

Hope you are well today (and all the other days too).

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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 19:42
TJ fettling does come from the practice in pottery of smoothing the rough edges, also in metalwork. But any activity that involves a lot of rubbing can be considered fettling, and in it's wider sense it it to potter about or titivate something up.
Sallyw A.S.O.H (SaA)
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the joker

25th July 2011, 20:55
Sally W
Thank you for explanation.
I am all for rubbing up and titivation,so am a fettler I suppose.
Maybe time to "come out".
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 21:07
You are welcome TJ, nowt wrong with a bit of fettling. The South Wales term for it is potching, which can also mean to canoodle, so is a very useful word.
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25th July 2011, 21:39
Thanks Trevor, still can't get in as Wendy but who cares?

Tried lower case and upper case.

Never mind, who cares? At least I'm here (even if I'm a fairy!!!!)
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25th July 2011, 21:52
TINKERBELLE - it is only the password that is case sensitive.

btw - if you use Edit to change your name (rather than Log-in under a different name)then the original name becomes available for somebody else to register while you are using the different name.

Blah Blah, Alert Pipesmokers Havering (ladies tea party)club, i'm on my way.
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25th July 2011, 21:56
oops, here already. that boo-boo alone must help ease the passage into this club?
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26th July 2011, 17:44
Pipesmoker…you genius! O.M.G…I am soooo happy!

What a great idea! A Club for haverers/bletherers, and people who enjoy the persiflage.

In my excitement I have not only sang Paddy McGinty’s Goat but also Delany’s Donkey.

And…I don’t want to boast about ALL my qualifications, but I am particularly proud of my O level Fashion and Fabrics .(the knowledge acquired has got me out of many a sticky situation, I can tell you…and will. But, not just now.)

Well, I’m sure you will all agree, this makes me more than suitable for the post of Foreign Correspondent. I can virtually “virtually” go anywhere and report back.

I was toying with volunteering for the post of Vice Chair, as I have a chair. Actually sitting on it now, and I was (and still am) willing to try new vices, but it may be too time consuming, so will stick to F.C.

I have to go now, but do not fear my friends; I have plenty to say….as many have already witnessed. AND I am confident I can bore the pants/t-ts off of anybody.



ps Did you know?....when you put the word kissypoos in to a word document, the spell checker wants to change it to cesspools.

Talking of cesspools, a foreign chappie once tried chatting me up by using the line..”Your eyes are so deep; it is like drowning in cesspools.”

Not the best one I’ve heard.

Maybe we can have a Topic headed “Worst Chat Ups”

No, forget that…How about….No…

Suggestions on a Virtual Postcard.

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26th July 2011, 17:54
Wotcha Pastille - nice to see you. How is your friend getting on?


Trevor, I had to suffer the indignity of telling "them" at HQ that I'd forgotten my password (which I hadn't) and hadn't forgotten my username either because it's my real name. "They" sent me the password which I already knew and hey presto - here I'm are!!
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