Pipesmoker…you genius! O.M.G…I am soooo happy!
What a great idea! A Club for haverers/bletherers, and people who enjoy the persiflage.
In my excitement I have not only sang Paddy McGinty’s Goat but also Delany’s Donkey.
And…I don’t want to boast about ALL my qualifications, but I am particularly proud of my O level Fashion and Fabrics .(the knowledge acquired has got me out of many a sticky situation, I can tell you…and will. But, not just now.)
Well, I’m sure you will all agree, this makes me more than suitable for the post of Foreign Correspondent. I can virtually “virtually” go anywhere and report back.
I was toying with volunteering for the post of Vice Chair, as I have a chair. Actually sitting on it now, and I was (and still am) willing to try new vices, but it may be too time consuming, so will stick to F.C.
I have to go now, but do not fear my friends; I have plenty to say….as many have already witnessed. AND I am confident I can bore the pants/t-ts off of anybody.
ps Did you know?....when you put the word kissypoos in to a word document, the spell checker wants to change it to cesspools.
Talking of cesspools, a foreign chappie once tried chatting me up by using the line..”Your eyes are so deep; it is like drowning in cesspools.”
Not the best one I’ve heard.
Maybe we can have a Topic headed “Worst Chat Ups”
No, forget that…How about….No…
Suggestions on a Virtual Postcard.