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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

26th July 2011, 22:47
TJ how about secretary? You might have to sit on a virtual knee, but think of the fun!
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julie, aberdeen

26th July 2011, 22:50
How are you going to find the time - what with you other duties as an Associate of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ?
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the joker

26th July 2011, 22:52
This was bagged by Sallyw,on the grounds of her considerable experience in vices.
I will be quite happy to sit in a corner,unnoticed havering away to myself,as I did for a couple of hours earlier this evening in my local.
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the joker

26th July 2011, 23:02
Don't think that being an Associate of the Royal Society Edinburgh,will hinder my membership of ASOH,in fact it will be extremely advantageous.
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julie, aberdeen

26th July 2011, 23:09
Particularly for sitting on knees !
Goodnight all
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27th July 2011, 00:24
Sally my dearest darling (you've got something in your eye) -
not a chat up line but your post about stomach talk(98 in this thread i think)reminded me of Winston Churchill.

When a Lady patted his pot belly with the words "Oh come now Winnie, if that was on a Lady she'd have to be pregnant"
straight away he replied "it was - and she is".
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

27th July 2011, 10:43
@ trevor - good old Winnie, master of the one-liner!
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