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25th July 2011, 14:11
For some reason, I can't log on as WENDY but am able to "get in" as Tinkerbelle.

I trust that I'm safe in assuming that as Wendy has joined your august throng, then Tinkerbelle will also be welcomed.

Too late, I'm here anyway.

Could it really be that we have Rev. John Galbraith Graham in our midst? If so, welcome Sir.

A couple of years ago we sent you something from the Shetland Islands - one island in particular. Do you remember what it was?

Kind regards to all,

Wendy A.S.O.S.
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25th July 2011, 14:24
A.S.O.S. ???
Another breakaway faction ?
The Ancient Society of Old Soaks ?
How do I join?
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25th July 2011, 14:29

Tee Hee! If only you knew how true that was!!!

Sorry, just a slip of the virtual pen I'm afraid. What I find so difficult about this site is that when you use the reply box, you can't see what the previous poster has written.

That's my excuse, anyway!

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25th July 2011, 14:35
How disappointing that a slip of the virtual pen prevented me from being a member of another august organisation.
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25th July 2011, 14:51
Since my recent (unopposed) election as Hon Sec to ASOH I have not been able to attend any virtual meetings nor take Minutes - I apologise to members; however, upon reading the latest threads I realise to my horror that due to my failing eyesight I misread the constitution and that this Society has nothing to do with the ancient art of Hoovering(in which I have the cap and gown), coupled with this the Society is now being referred to as an august body and I shall be away in august and therefore unable to take any minutes so I must respectfully tender my resignation. Apologies for any misunderstanding.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 14:58
It has come to my attention that HelenB, our Honourable Secretary, has tendered her resignation. May I just say that during the short term of her tenure in that exalted position she did a very fine blah!blah!blah! and I think I speak for everyone when I say she will be sorely blah!blah!blah! And we would all like to wish her the very blah!blah!blah!
H.S.O.H (Sergeant-at-Arms)
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25th July 2011, 16:23
I always thought Havering was in Essex,so is the society confined to this area or is this the sort of thinking you are expecting from a loyal lieutenant? I don't aspire to any officebut will vote on society matters if enfranchised.On second thoughts I think somebody should blackball me now .Regards to all those who have helped me so far.
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john graham

25th July 2011, 16:54
No, Pipesmoker, rise from your knees. I am not the crossword dabbler but from the ancient line of Claverhouse. Claver and haver in the Scots tongue mean the same. So I have a family tradition of clavering and havering and trust my credentials are in Order.
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25th July 2011, 17:59
Nonetheless, Sir John, do you mind if we sit at your feet, anyway? There is a severe lack of chairs in the forum.

Thank you.

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25th July 2011, 18:12
If this is a descendant of Sir John de Graham I must tell you that there is a pub of the same name locally, wherein I did a modicum of underage drinking, notably vodka and lime (so my mum wouldn't smell it)and I now blame you for my penchant for strong drink. Perhaps curable by trying a vodka and lime now - yuk!
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