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4th July 2011, 22:46
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4th July 2011, 22:57
Because I'm not banned yet & am nearly as nosey as you!

I see from A.B. that as well as Genius, you cant do EV either!
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4th July 2011, 23:04
Sorry to disappoint you me but I am afraid that is another x_ word_fan - I DON'T take the Telegraph so hence have no interest in EV!!Unlike you poking their nose in everywhere!!
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

4th July 2011, 23:06
xwordfan - DFTT and don't rise to the bait.
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4th July 2011, 23:43

I know in my heart of hearts I should not respond,but I don't think I'm nosey...just curious, and when I can,granted not that often, but I do try to help.


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5th July 2011, 05:09
just downloaded genius 97. looks almost as complicated as 96. any pointers would be appreciated.
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5th July 2011, 07:42
Good morning dizoz - you were up early! Not done much myself yet, hoping to have a good crack at it today.
27a defn is family eating place, for the wordplay you need to lose 1 letter
26a defn is cure, same as above for wordplay
17a defn is brown sugar, same again
Sometimes the same letter is "omitted" twice e.g. 1d.
I've done a few more - my method is to hunt out the defn, get an answer for it and try to relate it to the wordplay!
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5th July 2011, 12:07
Any help available please?
25a It stinks how Microsoft opens - programming language is affected (9)
7a Exercise in perfect working order for vain person (7). I'm thinking egotist but can't link any wordplay??
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5th July 2011, 12:39
Two seem particularly convoluted.

Is what one finally enters as 5D a word meaning "of late"?

And although 10A is fairly obviously the last three words of the clue, I have absolutely no idea how it fits the cryptic part of the clue.

It may come eventually.
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5th July 2011, 12:42
hi sudokulover, it's not that early here in OZ. thanks for the pointers. I'll spend a bit of time on 97, hopefully not as long as on 96, which I finished (with an error :( )
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