Hi pastille, all fine thanks. Chald further to pauls comment regarding search facility, if you were doing a particular crossword it ewould make it easier to find all posts relating to that crossword.
Thanks you Ash this is beginning to look like the original forum when I first joined, lots of helpful and friendly people and no trolls or stupid entities with nothing better to do.
Will look forward to the search facility which I think will be very useful as I always have trouble looking back for threads.
I agree Megan. There has been one person who was posting abuse, but the report button seems to have sorted that out. And at least no one can post in another users name, so that's a vast improvement.
It would be nice if the logon area had a 'remember me' box so that, as with most other forums I'm with, you're logged in as soon as you go to the site.
Not that clicking one extra button is that much of a chore...
Lets hope this new registration will cut out most of the appalling rudeness and infantile squabbling that has been a feature of this site for a long time now. Nice move Ash,,,,what took you so long ?
I've never seen the need for a search facility on here.
Typing the exact clue in inverted commas into Google links to the question being asked on here or AB, or occasionally another site like Yahoo answers, so your getting a multiple number of chances of finding your answer.