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29th March 2011, 12:43
I had two answers out of the four that have now been given by xx.

Am toying with two possible answers to no. 1, which unfortunately probably means that neither one is right!
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29th March 2011, 12:49
Funny, but I don't remember seeing XX on here before. Yet another dipstick morphing to what they imagine is hilarious effect. What a complete and utter t2t. sad with it.
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29th March 2011, 13:02
Sorry trevor - 1 is bags

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29th March 2011, 13:09
XX is it really?
thanks XX
and some kisses too XX
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the joker

29th March 2011, 13:19
XX has all the hallmarks of Spoiler who imposted as Terry,early with his solutions to Everyman crossword.
Maybe we have a schizophrenic morph here.
A real two headed dick.
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29th March 2011, 13:27
Didn't think of BAGS, though I had the idea when I considered the colloquial DIBS (but rejected it). Then went off on another tack.
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29th March 2011, 13:42
Oh no, this has been kiboshed by an idiot. I have all the answers (for me 3 was the most difficult)
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29th March 2011, 13:45
PS I dont have char as the answer for 3.
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29th March 2011, 14:06
That's interesting chrisg, because I have been wondering how to make that answer fit with the "vocal" in the clue.
When I was trying to solve it myself initially, I took that as a reference to the sound and was looking some sort of pun.

But on the other hand, in favour of that answer, a char or charwoman or charlady "does" - so it fits the first part of the clue, the wording of which ("Do..." )otherwise seems odd.
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29th March 2011, 14:10
Chambers gives CHAR=to do,accomplish(Scott)
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